Page 46 of Control
Glancing down the corridor leading to the bar, I make sure Slade isn’t watching. I mean, there are cameras in the hallways, so he could find out if he really wanted to.
What harm would a kiss do? Especially if it’s for the woman’s birthday. Maybe she’s an even better kisser than Adi is, and my dick will remember that it’s supposed to be playing the field.
This chick clearly wants it. And who am I to turn down a beautiful woman when she wants to press her half-naked body against mine?
Leaning over her, my breath skates across her skin, and she sighs again. So responsive. I can just imagine her being under my fingertips in one of the rooms downstairs and all the noises I could drag from her eager body if given half the chance.
“Thor.” Paige’s voice echoes around the hall, and at the same time, my mysterious lady friend’s head snaps up, colliding with my face.
“Fuck.” I cover my face with my palm. If I’m not bleeding, it’s definitely going to leave a mark.
The woman with the hardest skull in the whole world squeaks and flees. Like literally runs away. So much for her birthday kiss.
Did I even want to kiss her? My still-flaccid dick insists I didn’t. I cannot be yearning after the woman I just hired to take care of my son.
“You’re not usually here during the week.” Is that the best I can come up with?
“And you’re not usually hiding in the shadows outside the bathrooms with patrons. Want to talk about it?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
Paige has been coming to the club for a long time. I’m pretty sure in a previous lifetime, she was Slade’s girl, but I’ll be damned if he’ll tell me what the hell he did to make her so fucking mad at him all the time.
But she’s also Addison’s friend. And while she’s not staring me down with judgment, part of me wonders if she’s going to text Addison from the restroom and tell her she caught me in the corridor with someone else.
What does it even matter?
There’s nothing between us. We’re employer, employee. We had one delicious night together. Okay, fine. And the next morning. And sure, I’d have loved to repeat it if things hadn’t shaken out the way they did. But they did. They shook out, and now we’re nothing but... friends? Colleagues? People who fucked and got cock-blocked by an eleven year old?
I’m a free agent. A grown-ass man. I can do whatever, to whomever I want.
So why is heat crawling up my neck making my shirt tight against my skin? Why is my stomach heavy? And why have I been thinking that the stranger at the bar has entirely the wrong shade of red hair, and the wrong shaped lips all night?
Ugh. I don’t remember the last time I had a crush. But I’m pretty sure I have one on Addison... I don’t even know her last name. She’s just Addison. And right now she’s in my home, putting my kid to bed, and making herself comfy with the pint of ice cream I made sure was in the freezer before she arrived earlier.
I don’t have time for crushes.
Not least of all on my new nanny. Even if she is temporary.
Maybe when Mom gets better from her fall and makes the trip to Minnesota, I can talk to Addison about having another night of spanking. She responded so beautifully under my hands that I’m itching to do it all over again.
But for now, she’s out of my reach. She has to be. I can’t risk dragging her down to my dungeon, stripping her naked, and having Matty waking up and freaking out.
It would be irresponsible at best, neglectful at worst. And I’m not going to risk anything with Matty, not now, not ever. Unlike my own father, my kid comes first. Matty comes first. Always.
And my dick will just have to accept that.
“Thor?” Paige’s frowning face reminds me I’m still in the hall outside the bathrooms stuck in my own head.
“I’m fine.” I wave her off and make my way back to the bar, ignoring the probing stare from my boss as I take an order from two guys who just walked in. The redhead and her friends are gone. I’d never thought Paige was all that intimidating, but either she scared the shit out of the woman, the stranger reevaluated her decision to kiss the random bartender in the bathroom corridor, or they went downstairs.
Either way, something unknots inside my chest at the fact I wasn’t a stupid man-child who kissed the randomer at work.
The bar phone rings behind Slade, and when I reach to answer it, he slaps away my hand. “Protocol, Slade speaking.” He pauses for a moment, then another, his face creases with frown lines. “Take a breath. I can’t understand you.”
Somewhere in the back of my mind I know this call is for me. Any attempt at brushing it off due to misplaced paranoia is crushed when Slade hands me the phone.