Page 69 of Control
She cups my ass cheek with a gentle hand before giving it a squeeze. I’m not sure if she’s trying to turn me on, or warm up my skin. I’m not mad about it either way. I’m already primed and aching to come. It wouldn’t take much for her to drive me over the edge.
Phoenix changes out her tools, explaining to the crowd the different compositions and how they have different effects during impact.
The second the next flogger connects with my ass there’s a sting. The bite is sharper, the crack louder, the prickle spreads further and lasts longer.
This. Fuck. This is what I wanted. This is what I’ve craved. It’s not quite the deep thud of a paddle, or the quick smack of a hand, but it’s got a quick, savage bite that will leave marks on my ass.
She checks in between each whip crack now. Loudly, to be heard over the excited bustling around me. Instead of the occasional grunt every few strikes, I’m moaning with abandon with each hit.
I could swear Phoenix just said she wanted to bite my ass cheek. Would Thor like that? Would I?
My mind swirls down the rabbit hole of curiosity. I’ve never considered myself anything but straight, but the idea of Phoenix sinking her teeth into the swell of my hot and stinging ass leaves me breathless.
She’s already getting me ready for Thor, isn’t that the whole point of this? She’s working me up into a frenzy, smacking my skin, leaving welts and burning redness, laying the foundation for him to mottle my ass with bruises when he gets me home.
A loud whip-crack splits the air before a long, low, guttural noise is dragged from my body. I’m pretty sure if Thor told me to come right now, I could make it happen without so much as a finger near my clit. Legs and arms spread, body pressed onto sweat-slicked wood, and a goddess called Phoenix thwapping my skin with bliss ribbons made from what I’m guessing is a harder kind of leather.
While Phoenix offers to answer questions, Thor is there, uncuffing my hands and feet, and covering me in a blanket. He doesn’t wait for Phoenix to check in with us, he doesn’t wait for the people who want to talk to me about my experience, he just bundles me into his arms and starts moving through the crowd.
He’s kissing my forehead with each step. “Such a good fucking girl, kitten. Did you enjoy that?”
My head is floating, my body is hot and throbbing, and I’m so wet I’m concerned his blanket is going to be coated in my arousal when he unwraps me from this burrito situation.
I don’t recognize this room he’s brought me into. There are no glass panes to watch anyone, and I can’t see any for others to watch us either. The light is low, so I can’t make out what the decor is like, but that may be more to do with the fact I’m walking on air, and my eyes keep flickering closed.
He puts me down onto something soft, comfortable, it doesn’t feel big enough to be a bed, but I’m not curious enough to open my eyes to figure it out.
A door opens and closes, but Thor is still next to me, maybe Phoenix came in to check on me. I wonder if he’d let her bite my butt.
His low chuckle tells me I said that out loud. I don’t know what other words betray me by slipping out of my mouth but thankfully he sticks a straw between my lips and tells me to drink.
Orange juice, no pulp.
“It’s not Phoenix, kitten. It’s Jagger. He brought your clothes.”
Jagger is one of the house doms, he’s played with Kenzie a couple times and he and Paige play sometimes too. He’s built like a brick shithouse, and in the past I have fantasized about climbing him like a tree.
“She okay?” The intruder’s gruff voice is out of place in the quiet of this room. Is it a recovery room? Or is it just a room my powerful boyfriend has commandeered because he wanted to?
Thor strokes my forehead, though I suppose it could be Jagger since my eyes are still closed. I’m caught between spaces, the take a nap space, and the “I need to come before I explode space.” I’m not sure which will win, but feeling and life is coming back into my body with each sip of orange juice.
“Are you okay, kitten?” The adoration in Thor’s voice makes me sigh. His pride glows from each word, and he’s barely said anything at all.
Taking another small sip, I nod. “I’m okay. I need to come though.” Pressure has built in every cell in my body, my nipples are pebbled, my thong is soaked. I giggle. I bet if he twists the fabric liquid would pool on the floor.
Another chuckle, this time it’s not from my very own god, it’s from his god-friend. “You earned it. You did great out there.” Jagger chuckles again. “I could help with that. The coming thing, I mean.”
Thor growls. It’s my turn to laugh again. “I thought you liked sharing, Thor.” My words are mumbled through a yawn, but I’m pretty sure I get my point across as I blink my eyes open.
Jagger holds his hands up. “I get it. If you were my girl I wouldn’t share after that demonstration either. I’d want to claim you all for myself. But let me know if you’re ever open to it.” He winks at me. “I’d love to help him make you feel good.”
My stomach swoops. I’ve never known people to be as brazenly open with their desires and fantasies as they are inside the walls of this club. It’s such a safe space that most people I’ve met feel comfortable enough to just blurt out things that might take people on the outside months to confess to, if they ever do.
It’s such a freeing experience. Existing as exactly who you are. No masks, no filters, no lies. Just your most authentic self.
Would I like for Thor to share me with the tall, dark, handsome man standing in the doorway? Right now, sure, my libido is off the charts, and I’d hump the leg of a chair if I thought it’d get me where I need to be.