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Addison renamed the discussion “Sub Club”
Is this an “I can’t find my glasses and they’re on top of my head” type of emergency? Or, you know, a real one?
Also, I’m a switch, so your chat name isn’t completely accurate.
You’ll survive.
It’s a real problem. What do I wear to this kink negotiation with Thor?
Why do I even need a kink negotiation with Thor? It’s for one night, surely we won’t get up to enough to warrant talking about it first.
You know why. We’ve been through this before. Communication is the most valued trait in the kink world. Thor runs a tight ship for his dick. He doesn’t dip that thing anywhere without knowing the person even a little first.
And suddenly you’re an expert on Thor-the-bar-guy?
Okay,sure, I’m feeling a little jealous and a lot possessive. I have no claim to this man other than the fact I gave him my number, and I want to give him my panties. But the fact that my bestie claims to know him, maybe even intimately, grinds my gears more than it should.
Sub Club? Y’all... if this club grows beyond the three of us we’re going to need a new group chat. No one can see what we’ve talked about in here.
No one can know where the bodies are buried.
Exactly. Now, what’d I miss? Seems Adi’s getting a lil pissy that you know her will-be-boy-toy.
Right? It’s not just me? I thought maybe I was reading her text tone wrong.
Not wrong. She’s not madder ‘n a wet hen mad, but she’s definitely disgruntled.
I sigh, rolling my shoulders and turn over to groan into my silk pillowcase.
You know I can see what you’re writing, right? I’m literally right here.
Yeah, and you’d better loosen that silk bonnet of yours and let your brain breathe for a minute girl. I’m not interested in your boy-toy.
I’m just saying that communication is king for the kinky peeps. Thor will likely want to know exactly what makes you tick before he goes anywhere near your lady garden. Not, like, spreadsheet of desires level interest like Austin did with Kenzie, but he’ll at least want an idea.