Page 93 of Control
While Matthew’s mom had severed all ties, there was still a fear lingering over Thor that she’d find a way to come back and take Matthew from him. He’s working with a lawyer to make sure there’s no loophole, but has decided that if she wants to pick up a relationship with Matthew in the future, she can. If that’s what Matthew wants, anyway. But he wants full parental rights.
Instead of arguing, he crosses the kitchen and throws his arms around her. “Thanks, Mom.” His voice is heavy, thick with emotion as he hugs Ella.
Some women don’t dig the giant, burly, strong men getting emotional thing. But it works for me. Works a lot. Works so much I’m contemplating grabbing him by his collar and dragging him downstairs.
For me? Men showing emotion is the greatest turn on. Like, ever.
Fuck. My Lady Box needs an ice pack right now.
“Are you hungry? We could go to our favorite local cafe for lunch.” Thor steps back, pours three cups of coffee from the now-brewed coffee pot and passes them out.
“I’d like that. But first, tell me, Addison, have you been convinced to let my son help you achieve your dreams?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “And if the answer’s no, then why the fuck not?”
I snort as Thor groans. “Mom...”
She waves him off again, with a gesture I’m pretty sure we’ll all be intimately familiar with—by the end of the damn day at this rate.
“We’re talking about it.”
“Talking isn’t doing, hon. You’ve got todo.” She levels me with a stare that suggests she can see through my flesh and right down to my bones. “Whatever’s stopping you... whatever’s making you stand in your own way, move it, climb over it, blow it the fuck up.”
“Grandma!” Matthew’s voice carries into the kitchen. “Swear word!”
After a heavy pause she laughs and shakes her head. “Sorry, sweetheart. I feel like we need to get a cuss-jar. This kid is gonna bleed me dry.” When she turns her attention back to me, her eyes narrow. “I bet it’s you, right? You’re standing in your own way and you don’t know how to unfuck yourself.”
Another dismissive sweep of her hand. “Feel the fear and do it anyway, Addison. Do you know how many kids, how many parents you’ll help with that range of clothing?”
Thor couldn’t look any more sheepish right now. I didn’t tell Ella what my project was, we didn’t talk specifics. Thor must have clued her in and given her the details. He shrugs, gesturing to her as though it’s obvious he didn’t stand a chance in the face of his mother’s sheer presence.
I’m not mad about it. Her energy is contagious, and her belief in me despite barely knowing me is convincing. Thor’s too. This is a family with strong influence. I feel like I can’t say no to the woman. In fact, she’s probably counting on that.
“Did your friend at the club talk to her about the merchandise too?”
Thor groans again before taking a large sip of coffee, burning his mouth, and coughing until tears roll down his cheeks. Now he’s done that, I can’t recreate the moment and do it to avoid the inquisition.
Instead, I pull out my sketch book from the basket next to the dining table and show her my Sub Club merch designs. I have a meeting with Archer tomorrow. The girls and I have spent the last two weeks coming up with everything from branded water bottles and t-shirts to note books and pens for submissives to journal.
Our list of merchandise ideas is growing by the day, and Archer is here for all of it. His excitement is contagious, and from the reaction of the few people we’ve talked to at Protocol about it, it’s going to be a success.
“These are gorgeous.” Ella skates her fingers across the top of the page. There are beanies, and ball caps, and hair ties underneath the t-shirt designs we’ve come up with so far. “You really are talented.” She flicks through the book, her eyes filling with tears at the g-tube covers, and sensory aware pants I’ve been trying to get perfect.
“You need to do something with these, Addison. You’re too talented to keep that light under a bushel. Let that sucker burn brightly. You owe it to yourself. Fuck your parents.”
Thor does an entire body cringe.
“Grandma!” Matthew’s voice is laced with laughter as he scolds his grandmother. I’m sure by now even he knows it’s a pointless exercise, but he continues to call her out, and I love him for it.
“Oh.” She lowers her voice. “Am I not supposed to know that your mother is a bitch to you?”
The woman’s frankness makes me laugh out loud.
“Well, she is. And no matter what happens between you and Thoren, I want you to know that I’ll adopt you as my daughter if you’d like. I’ll kick you in the ass when you need it, and I give the best bone-crunching hugs around.” Her self-assuredness is impressive, and contagious.
“Wouldn’t that be awkward?”