Page 11 of Ruthless Possession
I don’t want to feel anything positive for this monster.
I’m still trying to process my reaction when he says, “And not a single one of these people, my dear”—he splays out a hand to indicate everyone in the vicinity—“will lift a finger to help you. Because, unlike you, they know the consequences if they do.”
I should be horrified at his words, at my response. Iamhorrified.
Would he really spank me in front of everyone, right here in the club? Why is my body intent on betraying me at that thought? I don’t understand what is happening to me.
I can’t breathe. He’s too close.
I jump to my feet and shuffle around the low table in front of us, putting welcome space between me and him. I’m right at the railing now—the railing he just threatened to bend me over—and I turn away from his unreadable regard and grip the silver metal so hard I wonder if I may accidentally put dents in it.
I feel like I’ve died and woken up in a strange kind of hell.
Who lives like this, with the threat of violence and death tainting every breath, every action? Who thinks it okay to kidnap an ordinary person off the street, shoot their friends, and then expect them to sit and calmly drink in a club only a few hours later, surrounded by people who carry guns?
But worse than all of that…what sort of sick woman feels the lick of desire heat her privates at the thought of being spanked by her kidnapper, in front of a crowd of strangers?
Everyone down below is oblivious to what is going on up here.
If I scream at the top of my lungs, will anyone hear me? Will anyone actually care?
I hover on the verge of trying it out, until I feel him close behind me. I don’t even have to look to know it’s him. His scent—some kind of spicy aftershave more subtle than I expect from a crime lord—wafts into my nostrils.
Ihatethat he smells good.
He should smell like death.
“Why am I here, Gregorio?”
“You called me Rio earlier.”
I don’t want to turn and face him. Ican’tface him. Not yet. Not while thoughts of being spanked keep swirling in my head.
I stare down at the ignorant crowd. “I don’t knowwhatto call you.”
“Rio will suffice.”
“Fine. Rio. Please answer my query.”
He sighs and moves to stand beside me. I shoot a glance his way, relieved that he seems to be focused on the crowd instead of me.
“You are here because I am about to have a business meeting I can’t delay, and because I need you with me when the results of your DNA testing come in.”
“My…what?” Now I do turn to face him. “When did you… How…”
He tilts his head toward me and smirks. His eyes remain dark and unreadable, but his lips lift as if he’s finally enjoying himself.
“My team have a rapid DNA system in place. They are processing the duct tape we removed from you earlier, together with strands of your hair. The results are imminent, and when they come in, we will confirm your identity against the DNA from your last remaining cousin who died last month in prison.”
There are so many shocking aspects to that statement, I don’t know where to start with it.
If I thought I was having trouble breathing earlier, now it is as if all the air in the whole building just got sucked right out.
“I…ah…” Putting aside the fact that rapid DNA testing is supposed to be only available to organizations like the FBI… “So, you’re not certain that I’m her? Bianca? If the results don’t match, will you let me go?”
“I am certain. We have already tested your DNA once. This second test is just to confirm. Your real family allowed your nanny to take you and run when you were only six months old. Right before most of your family was wiped out, Bianca.”
The taunting words whisper over me, and I want to sob. Wiped out? Does he mean murdered?