Page 25 of Wilder Ever After
Ishrieked into mysnorkel when a colorful fish darted right in front of my mask. With a quick burst of power, I pushed away and popped out of the water.
"Yuck! I almost got hit by a fish!" I shouted after I spit the snorkel out of my mouth.
"You okay, dear?" Doris peeked over the edge of the glass bottom boat she refused to leave. Her paralyzing fear of sharks kept her glued to the seats all day while the other three widows and I paddled around on our Cozumel snorkeling excursion.
I pulled the hideous goggles off my face. "I'm fine. But I'm done. Since they won't let us cocktail until we're finished snorkeling, I want back on the boat to enjoy the booze cruise part of the tour."
Knowing Marge and Sylvie were safely snorkeling somewhere nearby, I paddled to the ladder and hoisted myself up. The tour guide took my gear, and when I told him I was done snorkeling for the day, he stowed it away and gave me the drink options that were included with our package.
"We have Rum Runners, Hurricanes, Bahama Mamas—" he started, his Mexican accent struggling over the words.
I cut him off. "I'll take the one with vodka. Then hold the rest of the ingredients."
Furrowing his dark brow, he scratched his head. "So, just ... vodka?"
I clucked my cheek and winked. "Exactly. And chilled."
"Coming right up," he said with a shrug.
I settled down beside Doris, who wore an oversized life jacket and looked like some strange orange Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
"You know you don't need the life jacketinthe boat, Doris. They're for the snorkelers who aren't the strongest swimmers."
She peered over the edge to the small drop below, pointing at the clear water. "There are sharks down there. I just know it. And if I happen to go overboard, I figure this will help protect my vital organs from the bite."
With a sigh, I waved a hand. "Doris, you're not going overboard. And if you do, there are no sharks anywhere around here. This is a safe area. That's why the guides picked it. I was just out there for an hour and didn't see a thing."
Her eyes went big. "That's because you won't! They can swim so fast, by the time you even know what's happening, you're already clamped up tight in the jaws of the beast!" She slapped her hands together in a dramatic gesture akin to a jaw snapping shut.
I was about to argue back at her, but a shadow formed beneath the glass bottom of the boat.
"Shark!" Doris squealed, clutching the railing tight.
Tipping my head, I leaned forward and gazed at the cerulean water below. Marge appeared swimming beneath us, lifting her middle finger as she grinned and backpaddled away.
"Oh, that Marge!" Doris tsked as I burst into laughter while she exhaled a sharp sigh.
The water beside the boat churned, and with a big blow of water out her snorkel spout, Marge popped up beside us.
Doris and I leaned over the edge.
"Did you see me flip you the bird?" Marge smiled wide as she bobbed in the water beside us.
"Yes." Doris rolled her eyes. "You're so vulgar sometimes, Marge."
"Don't be a ninny. It's just a finger, Doris. All I did was show you the lovely middle finger gifted to me by the big guy upstairs. How is that offensive?"
Knowing better than to argue with Marge, Doris pursed her lips and let out a soft, "Mmmhmm."