Page 30 of Wilder Ever After
More like rabbit got my man.
My man.
I didn’t think I’d ever uttered those words before, even in the privacy of my own mind. Despite being married, I never thought of Ed as “my man.” He was my husband, sure, but I didn’t have this primal possessive desire for him like I felt for Alejandro. Hell, I’d been the one to suggest swinging with Ed, and I’d been happy to share him while I got my kicks elsewhere on those few occasions we’d done it. But the thought of another woman touching Alejandro made my blood boil.
She touched his arm again, and it wasn’t just my blood boiling watching Jessica Rabbit’s hands on him. Now it felt like a volcano of anger would erupt at any moment.
My. Man.
“You okay, Alice?” Sylvie asked. “Why don’t you go talk to him? I’m sure he would be happy to talk to you.”
“No. He’s busy. Obviously,” I finally managed, my words tipped with venom.
“Somebody a little jealous?” Doris asked innocently. “You shouldn’t be. You’re much prettier than her. I’m sure he wishes it was you he was talking to.”
I scoffed. “Right. Have you seen her? She’s like a walking, talking sex doll—a walking, talking sex doll with perfect, porcelain skin. I mean, we’ve been in the Caribbean for eight days. What is she using? SPF 6000? Or hell, maybe she’s a freaking vampire.”
“Then she couldn’t go in the sunlight, dumbass.” Marge scoffed.
“Some vampires can,” Sylvie defended.
“What, you think that glow she has is vampire sparkles?” Marge chuckled.
I answered quickly with the truth. “No. It’s youth. It’s just freaking youth. And I want to rip her skin off and wear it like a body suit.”
Marge’s eyes bulged big. “Whoa. Okay then, Buffalo Bill. Someone get that girl some lotion and toss her in the pit.”
My jealous gaze narrowed into a laser-sharp glare. “Jessica Rabbit is perfect with her perfect skin, perfect hair, and perfect curves. And her perfect youth.”
“Jessica Rabbit?” Doris asked.
“That’s what I’ve been calling her. She’s been my nemesis this whole trip, and since day one, when I first saw her, I knew she was a threat. I’ve been calling her Jessica Rabbit since then. And now here we are, and she’s moving in on my turf. On purpose.”
“Whoa!” Marge palmed the table. “We have a nemesis, and we didn’t even know it? Why the hell didn’t you let us know we had a nemesis? I live for this shit. We could have been helping you take her out!” She tightened her hand into a fist. “You just tell me where to aim this baby.”
“Well, I didn’t need any assistance with her before. But she hadn’t moved in on my turf until now.”
Sylvie’s eyes sparkled. “So. He’s your turf, huh? I thought he didn’t mean anything to you.”
Freaking Sylvie and her constant astute observations. It must have been hell being her daughter and trying to get away with shit growing up. Sylvie never missed a damn thing.
“No,” I lied, ignoring the way her eyes bore into me. “I just meant that she knew I was spending time with him, so she’s, of course, doing this just to piss me off. She’s still mad I stole her pool lounge.”
“Oh!” Marge sat up. “Do you need a ‘taken’ tag? I can make you one!”
I stifled a smile. “I don’t need a ‘taken’ tag. It’s nothing serious.”
“You sure?” Doris asked. “I think you may want a ‘taken’ tag like us.”
“Alice.” Sylvie leaned forward. “Enough is enough. Cut the tough girl act. You’re hurting right now. I can tell.”
“I’m not hurt.”
“Yes. You are.” Sylvie reached out and touched my hand. “You need to tell us how you’rereallyfeeling about Alejandro. Talk to us, Alice.”
I bit my lip, hoping my teeth could keep the truth and my embarrassing feelings from spilling out.