Page 47 of Wilder Ever After
“Let’s just hurry up and get the suits on so I can get the picture and get back on the ship.”
While the crew members dispersed the suits and dive equipment to us, Dr. Tremblay stood on the edge of the platform gesturing to the sharks swimming around and talking about shark conservation, why they were drawn to this volcanic island every year, and the breeding habits of the Great Whites he loved so much. I listened intently while pulling on my suit, devouring every word he uttered like my own personalShark Weekepisode.
I was so fascinated by the creatures swimming around us that each moment closer we got to getting in the water with them made my heart race faster and faster, like a race car picking up speed each time it lapped the track.
“Oh, God. That one looks big.” Sylvie cringed as a huge shark drifted past the swim platform, close enough that I could have leaned down and touched it.
“That one is Dotty,” Dr. Tremblay said.
“They have names?” Alice arched an eyebrow. “How can you tell them apart?”
“Oh, they all have names. Most of these sharks come here every year. There are over three hundred that have been named and identified. This one is Dotty on account of the dot on her dorsal fin. See it?”
We all looked.
“Oh, yeah!” Sylvie pointed. “I see it!”
“Dotty is a seventeen-foot female. And she’s especially excitable at feeding time. You don’t want to get between Dotty and her food.” He laughed. “All the other sharks know that too. She’s the alpha here. You’ll see in a minute when we throw the chum.”
“She won’t jump up here, right?” Doris blinked widely from behind the mask she’d just slipped on.
“No. You’re perfectly safe on the dive platform and in the cages. I can assure you.” Dr. Tremblay smiled.
Doris still looked worried, but I was proud of her for pushing through her fear to come down and be part of this adventure, even if she didn’t want to get in the water for the actual dive.
“Okay, ladies. Let’s get a picture!” Sylvie handed her phone to Lance, a crew member, and hurried over to the three of us, now strapped into our skintight wet suits.
One by one, we put our arms around each other and squished together.
“Step back a little so I can get the fins in the background.” Lance waved his hand to push us back.
We all peeked backward and stepped closer to the edge.
“A little more.”
“I’m gonna fall in!” Doris screeched.
“You’re not gonna fall in. You’re fine.” I gripped her tighter, and we all moved within a few feet of the edge.
“Stay there, ladies. They are gonna throw the chum, and I’m gonna get a sick shot of the four of you with a shark jumping behind you.”
“They jump!?” Doris squealed.
“Not on the boat. You’ll be fine. Just keep smiling, and I’ll time the picture so it’s perfect.” Lance gave us the thumbs-up sign.
We stood together smiling wide, our masks covering our eyes as we waited for the ideal moment according to Lance.
“Oh, shit!” Jake called. “It’s Deep Blue! It’s Deep Blue! You guys, she’s back! This is freaking unbelievable!”
“Who’s Deep Blue?” Alice asked as our gazes followed his pointing finger to behind the boat.
My mouth fell open. I’d watched enough Shark Week to identify the majestic creature instantly. “She’s the world record holder for the largest Great White shark ever seen. Over two and a half tons of pure awesome. She’s ... she’s my unicorn. And she’s here.”
I felt the tears starting behind my eyes. When Percy and I first saw footage of Deep Blue years ago, we’d screamed our excitement at the TV. She was magnificent. We’d spent half the night sitting on the patio talking about how incredible it would be to see her, and though I knew she’d been spotted in these waters before, I’d never imagined she’d actually show up on the day of my dive. It felt like Percy had coaxed her here somehow, and his presence beside me was nearly palpable.
We’re gonna swim with Deep Blue, Percy. You and me.
And I would be with my beloved widows too.