Page 50 of Wilder Ever After
“Grab the hook!” Dr. Tremblay shouted.
The huge metal hook appeared in front of me, and I carefully reached up and took hold. Slowly, we started moving toward the boat, and finally, we bumped against the side.
“Grab them!” Lance shouted, and suddenly hands gripped tightly on my arms and shoulders as I was hoisted through the air, still holding Doris as my hands refused to let her go. We spilled out into a wet heap on the platform, panting hard as we lay beside each other.
“Holy shit. We’re alive,” I breathed.
“You ... you saved me.” Doris turned her head to look at me, those huge tears streaming freely.
“I wasn’t gonna let you die and have to live with the guilt that I’d gotten your fainting ass killed.” I grinned, though my mouth shook from all the adrenaline coursing through me.
“And Deep Blue saved you,” Dr. Tremblay kneeled beside us, swiping a hand across his forehead. “She got right in between you and Dotty. That was incredible. A once-in-a-lifetime experience, even for a Marine Biologist.”
It was Percy,I wanted to say, but I knew everyone would think I was crazy. But it didn’t matter if they knew why Deep Blue had come to our rescue. I knew.
“Thank God!” Sylvie dropped to her knees beside Doris, and Alice collapsed beside me.
We sat up together, the other two widows pulling us in for hugs and clutching us tightly in a ball of love that helped warm up my cold body.
“I thought you were gonna get your legs bit off to stubs for sure, and then I’d never live down the guilt that I put it out there. I’m officially retracting my comment. Don’t get eaten by sharks, Marge. Please, don’t ever get eaten by sharks. I’ve never been so scared in my life seeing you two floating there.”
“We’re okay,” I soothed her. “I’m not gonna lie and say that wasn’t scary as hell.” I let up on my hug and sat back a bit. Then a huge grin stretched across my face. “But what a freaking rush! I swam with Great Whites! Without a cage! Whoo-hoo! Told you I’m not yellow, Alice! I just jumped in with the sharks!”
I pointed at Alice, then pumped my fist in the air while everyone on the platform stared at me.
Finally, Jake pointed a finger and smiled. “I knew I liked this one!”
“You ladies sure were lucky,” Dr. Tremblay said as he pulled us to our feet. “Swimming in chum is not an ideal way to experience the Great Whites, but you did it. And you’re unharmed.”
“We did it.” I turned to Doris. “Even though you didn’t plan on it, you got in with the sharks. How do you feel?”
Doris lifted her mask off her head and looked out into the half dozen fins still circling. When she turned back to me, her teary eyes flickered with pride. “I did it. I swam with sharks, didn’t I?”
I tipped my head. “Well, more like floated lifelessly, but yes. You did it.”
“And praise Jesus, I’m alive!”
“I’ll second that,” Sylvie said.
“I bet you’re never going to do that again.” Alice chuckled.
“After what happened, we wouldn’t blame any of you for sitting out the dives,” Dr. Tremblay said.
“Actually,” Doris tipped her head and glanced at the cages bobbing in the water behind us. “I’ll do it. I’ll go in with you all.”
“What?” We echoed.
My eyes bulged. “You will? I thought this was going to send you screaming home!”
“It almost did, but I figure if I can survive being out there with them during a feeding frenzy, I can survive in the safety of the cage with you all. The worst is over, and God protected me. He’ll do it again. I’m doing it. I’m going in.”
“Wow. I’m proud of you, Doris!” Sylvie squeezed her. “I’m terrified to get in there, but I’m doing it anyway. That’s the whole point of these trips. To push ourselves to experience things we never would have otherwise. And it’s always the best if we do it together.”
“Now we’re talking!” I grinned. “Alice, what about you? You joining us?”
She cocked a neoprene-clad hip. “Well, I’m not gonna be the one sissy who won’t go in. So yeah. I’m in. Let’s do this before I change my mind.”
“Right now?” Dr. Tremblay widened his eyes. “Don’t you ladies want to take a minute and recover?”