Page 62 of Wilder Ever After
“Part of the wish?” I asked. “I said I wanted to fly ... to feel like a bird. We’ve done that. This is my wish.”
Her eyes sparkled. “There’s one other way to feel a little more like a bird, and that’s what we’re doing next.”
Alice narrowed her eyes. “If you think we’re jumping out of a plane, you’re crazy. There’s not enough vodka in the world to make me do that.”
Sylvie shook her head quickly. “No. No skydiving. None of us want to do that.”
Marge lifted her hand. “I do.”
“None of us but Marge.” Sylvie chuckled. “No. We’re not skydiving, but we are going to do something else that will make us feel like we’rereallyflying.”
“What ... what is it?” I asked, my nerves crackling to life.
Sylvie grinned wider. “We’re going ziplining.”
My eyes bulged. “We’re what?”
“What is ziplining?Why does Alice’s face look like that?” I pointed at Alice with her wide-eyed frozen stare while Sylvie continued grinning beside me.
“I amnotziplining.” Alice shook her head fiercely. “Forget that. I’m getting a lift back with the helicopter. You ladies have fun trying not to break your necks.”
“Break our necks? Wait. What? What is ziplining?” I asked again, now starting to panic based on Alice’s reaction.
“We’re not gonna break our necks.” Sylvie rolled her eyes. “It’s very safe. And this is one of the best companies in Mexico.Andthe longest zipline.”
“Oh, hell yeah!” Marge shimmied in her seat. “I have seen this on TV before. I am in! All in!”
“I knew you would be.” Sylvie slapped her open hand. “I’ve really wanted to do this too.”
I closed my eyes, tightening my hands into tight fists as I proclaimed loudly, “Someone,pleasetell me what ziplining is!”
“Oh, sorry, Doris,” Sylvie said. “It’s a very safe and fun way for us all to fly like birds. We get attached to special harnesses and then ride a line down the mountain.”
“Break our necks. We’ll break our necks.” Alice shook her head.