Page 64 of Wilder Ever After
“Oh, yeah.” Sylvie chuckled. “You can’t tell me you just knitted all winter. We all know what your husband looks like. No way you could keep your hands off him, even if they were busy knitting.”
A full-body blush warmed my skin as I thought about Axel and all the things we did to keep warm on those cold winter nights. It would be a vast understatement to say I’d found out what a hootie was and wanted them over and over again. After a lifetime of being a devoted wife and thinking sex was just something you did to procreate or relieve your husband’s stress, I’d found out quickly with Axel that it was so much more. For the first time in my life, I felt passion. Real passion. The kind I had always thought was fabricated for movies or exaggerated in stories. But with Axel, I’d found out passion wasn’t some fairytale that had no place in real life or marriage. It was real. And I got to experience it every single day.
“What happens in the marital bed isn’t for sharing,” I answered quickly. “It’s special.”
“Your face looks like a baboon’s red butt right now, I don’t think we need details to know you’re doing more than knitting.” Marge waggled her eyebrows, and my blush deepened.
“Doris finally gets why we wanted her to have a hootie so badly. See, Doris? Life is much better with a fulfilling sex life, isn’t it?” Alice pursed her lips, awaiting my answer.
I didn’t give it. I just blushed more.
I had loved my first husband, and we’d shared a wonderful life together raising our children, but what I had with Axel was so different. Without children to take up all our time and attention, we got to focus completely on each other. I’d never been a man’s number one priority before, and now, I felt like the center of his whole universe. The depth of his love still shocked me, and on many days I felt guilty for indulging in so many carnal desires. Like God would be disappointed in me for using sex for pleasure and not for making babies. But then Axel would take off his clothes, I would get one glance at his muscular body, and I knew God wasn’t going to blame me one bit for the lust that would overcome me. There was nothing sinful about sharing and showing love with my husband, even if that did come in some very creative ways.
I blushed harder, thinking about the things I couldn’t believe I’d done.
“Whoa! Your face is gonna melt off if you blush any harder there, Doris.” Sylvie pointed at me, covering her mouth. “Seriously! You look like a fire truck!”
I wafted my hand at them. “I’m fine. Just keep walking, and no more talking about my private marital life. That’s personal business. Let’s talk about something else.”
Luckily, after they had pushed and teased me so hard in France that they’d made me cry, they stopped needling me when I asked them to. I didn’t mind a little good-natured fun, but I didn’t like to discuss the intimate details of intercourse like they did. They spoke of it freely with each other, even trading tips, but me? It was hard enough for me to come out of my shell with my husband, much less talk about it.
“Oh! I see the road!” Sylvie pointed and quickened her steps.
“Thank God.” Alice sped up to match her stride. “I was worried we were going to get lost in the jungle. End up on some unsolved mysteries type TV show where they try to figure out what happened to us when we disappeared in Mexico.”
“I already told you.” Marge puffed up proudly. “I can keep us alive in the jungle. Rambo ain’t got shit on me. I’d get us all out of here safe and sound.”
“Well, we aren’t lost in the jungle, so no need for a rescue, but thank you, Marge. Good to know we can count on you.”
“First Lieutenant Margherita Moretti at your service.” She gave a salute and marched on ahead to the dirt road.
Sylvie looked right then left, pointing when she saw the little kiosk just a short walk up the dirt road. “There. That’s where we meet the tour and get the UTVs.”
“I hope that’s not like an STD.” Marge snorted.
With a chuckle, Sylvie shook her head. “No. It’s not an STD. It’s an all-terrain vehicle. The bus with the tourists can only come this far, and then we get in UTVs to take us the rest of the way to the start of the zip lines. I did a lot of research about this place. It’s going to be fun!”
“I’m just glad I didn’t have to ride the bus. I don’t do busses.” Alice pulled a face.
Sylvie nodded. “I thought the helicopter drop-off would be much better. Now we’ll join up with the others. There. I see them.”
I came around the bend behind her and saw the group of about twenty people standing beside a beat-up old bus. There were a half dozen UTVs all lined up beside them.
“You made it!” A man with a dark mustache and a toothy grin greeted us with a huge wave. “I’m Miguel. I’ll be your guide today.”
“Thanks for the special accommodations, Miguel.” Sylvie grasped his hand and shook it. “We really enjoyed our helicopter ride here.”
“And we’re gonna have a great time today, ladies!” He grinned wider, his oiled mustache stretching across his tanned skin. “The four of you can take one of the UTVs. Just pick one and hop on in. I’ll be around shortly to show you how to use it, and then we’ll head single file the rest of the way to the zip platform.”
“Thanks, Miguel.” Sylvie smiled and waved at us to follow her.
We reached the UTVs, and after quickly greeting the other people on the tour, we made it to the last UTV in line.
“This one looks good.” Sylvie patted the roof of the open-air vehicle.
“We have these on the ranch. I’ve driven them before. I can drive if you want.”
“No!” they all shouted in unison, then glanced at each other and started laughing.