Page 7 of Wilder Ever After
More silence.
“I’m sad.” Doris frowned. “I don’t want you all to sell.”
“You live on a ranch now, Doris,” I said. “And you love it there.”
“I do.” She sighed. “You should see El Diablo. He’s such a ladies’ man. I’m gonna have a baby El Diablo next year. Axel just bred him.”
“Oh, wow!” I clapped my hands together. “That’s going to be wonderful!”
“I’m very excited. I’m going to be a grandmother again.” Doris smiled, but the excitement she mentioned wasn’t behind it.
I waved a hand in the air. “See! We all have great things waiting for us outside Wilder Lane. And it doesn’t mean we aren’t going to see each other as much. We will always make each other a priority. And each year, we’re doing our wishes, no matter what!”
The sadness threaded between us softened as we all nodded.
“The wishes inthatbasket!” Alice pointed a pink-tipped finger at the knitting basket in the center of my coffee table. “The wishes we are going to pull out starting right now.”
“Oh, hell yeah!” Marge bobbed her head up and down. “I amsoready for our next adventure!”
Doris narrowed her eyes. “Is your wish going to almost get us killed again?”
With a sinister smile, she shrugged. “Guess you’ll find out when it’s my turn.”
With a groan, Doris slunk into the couch. “Oh, geez. It’s gonna be scary, isn’t it?”
Marge just chuckled.
“Are we picking now?” Excitement bubbled up inside of me as memories from our first adventure flooded back into my mind.
“Well, as agreed, we’ve all cleared our schedules for the next month, right?” Alice looked between us, and we nodded. “Good. Then let’s get going and pick our wishes to kick off your bachelorette party!”
“Bachelorette party?” My eyes widened as I looked between them.
“Yep.” Marge gave a sharp dip of her head. “This is going to be one big bachelorette party for you! Us ladies talked, and it’s been decided.”
I clapped my hands together quickly. “Oh! Yay! So where are we going?”
With a snort, Alice pointed to the basket. “We’re going wherever the hell those wishes say we’re going.”
“Oh, my.” Doris fanned her face. “I’m so nervous and so excited! Who goes first?”
“Me,” Alice stated, and we all tipped our heads. “Two reasons. One, I went first last time, so I think we should just start there. Two, my wish has a specific date range we need to hit, so I vote me. Does anyone else’s wish have specific dates we need to do?”
We all shook our heads.
Alice grinned a smile so sinister that the butterflies in my stomach took flight then bolted into hiding.
“Perfect,” she crooned as she stood up. “Then I go first. Let me just reach in here and find mine. I marked it with a dog-ear when I wrote it so I would know which one to reach for.”
“Clever.” I chuckled. “So, you’ve been planning on going first since we wrote these last year?”
“Of course.” She grinned as she popped off the top of our knitting basket. “I’m always first, remember?”
“Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Oh, geez.” Doris pressed her hands together and threw up a prayer. “Dear Lord, please don’t let it be anything bad. Please don’t let it be anything bad.”
“Let it be bad.” Marge leaned forward in her seat, eyes bulging wider than normal as she stared at Alice’s hand emerging from the basket.
“Well? What is it?” Shudders of excitement coursed through me as she unfolded the wish and held it up.