Page 90 of Wilder Ever After
“Roxie is meeting me there too. I talked to her an hour ago. Better than me flying to Vegas than off to the wedding.”
“So, then we can all just fly home together? That will make it easy to book tickets. I’ll call my agent and have him get us on a flight in the morning.”
Alice picked up her phone, but Marge cleared her throat.
“Uh. About that,” Marge started, and the crackle in her voice made me lift an eyebrow.
“About what?”
“Uh. You know how I made us carry our passports with us everywhere so they didn’t get stolen from the hotel safe?”
“Yes.” One of Alice’s eyebrows inched up. “Because you saw that special about tourists getting robbed, so we trusted you, gave them to you, then you lost them in the river jungle, so you were calling the Embassy to get us new ones ASAP?”
Marge swiped my margarita and took a big swig.
“Hey! That’s mine!”
She slammed it back down. “So, the embassy says it can take three to five days for replacements. At least.”
“What?” We all echoed.
My heart stuttered to a stop. “What the hell do you mean three to five days? I getmarriedin three days! Are you telling me I will be stuck in Mexico and miss my wedding?”
“No.” Marge lifted her hands. “I’m telling you that we can’t legally fly home for at least three to five days. But because I feel so bad that I lost all our passports, I talked to the guy at the front desk, and he has a friend who knows a friend who can get us a coyote to take us over the border.”
“Illegally?” I blinked my wide eyes at her. “Are you telling me you want us to sneak across the US/Mexico border like illegal aliens?”
“Technically, yes,butwe aren’t illegal aliens.” Marge jutted her thumb at us. “We’re Americans. We’re just going home ... a different way.”
“What is a coyote?” Doris asked. “Like arealcoyote? Those are scary!”
“It’s a criminal, Marge,” Alice answered, her narrowed eyes locked with Marge’s. “A coyote is someone who helps sneak people across the border illegally. And Marge wants us to trust this criminal to get us back to the US.”
“Will we get arrested if we get caught?”
Marge snorted. “What are they gonna do? Send us home? Great! Back to the USA!”
“Or into a Mexican jail!” I said, shaking my head. “No. No way. We’re waiting for our passports, and if I miss the wedding, we’ll just have to reschedule.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Alice lifted her hand. “We arenotmissing the wedding. You are getting married at the vineyard in three days. It’s got to happen.”
I furrowed my brow. “I mean, Iwantto get married in three days, but I’m not risking all of us ending up in a Mexican prison for it.”
“We’re not going to prison. Worst case scenario, they toss us back over here, and we have to wait for our passports,” Marge said. “We’re not criminals. We’re American citizens. And no one is stopping me from going home.”
I shook my head. “It’s fine. Tom will understand. I’m not putting any of you in jeopardy for me. Lord knows my wish already put us in peril.”
“The wedding has to be in three days.” Alice pinched the base of her nose.
Confused by her insistence, I furrowed my brow. “Why? What’s going on, Alice?”
“It’s just ... I have a wedding surprise for you, and I don’t think I can reschedule it. It wasverydifficult to pull off.”
My eyes lit up. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
“Thesurprisekind of surprise. But we have to get to that vineyard and your wedding in three days.”
It wasn’t that I wasn’t excited to get home and marry Tom. I was. So very much. But that nagging little feeling in my gut that something was wrong still picked away at me. Something missing. And deep down, I almost felt grateful that we would have to postpone. It would give me more time to put my finger on what was missing ... what was holding me back from running down the aisle as fast as my feet could take me to my happily ever after. But then I saw the look on Alice’s face, and I thought about getting back into Tom’s arms, and I knew we would do whatever it took to make it happen.