Page 19 of Shae’s Bounty
“Now, we take you to Pamia,” Reptile Guy says.
Volethos snaps a violent look at Reptile Guy, and the guys exchange a tense wordless standoff.
“What the hell is Pamia, and why there?” My eyes dart between the males as their silent argument continues.
“It’s an asylum planet where the other humans are,” Reptile Guy says without taking his eyes from Volethos.
“Oh, no,” I say, jumping up, only to be jerked back in place by the harness I’m still strapped into. “No, you’re not just going to drop us off somewhere.”
Reptile Guy ignores me and keeps his eyes pinned on Volethos. “You promised me Kurrahstka. You promised me revenge for my sissster,” he growls.
“I never promised youwhen, Zell,” Volethos snarls back, and I don’t miss his eyes darting over to me.
“Do you really want two human females tagging along while we exact our retribution?” Zell snaps back.
“Revenge?” I perk up, “Wait, if you’re going after Kurrahstka, we want in on that shit too!”
“We?” Danielle nearly chokes on her water. “What ifwedo not?”
I turn a surprised look at her. “You don’t?”
“I think I’ve had just about enough adventure,” she tells me, rubbing at her temples. “I’d rather not tempt fate more than I already have. To be honest, an asylum planet sounds nice.”
I start pulling at the harness, unsure of how to unbuckle it as I turn my attention back on Volethos. “If you’re going after Kurrahstka, I definitely want in on it.”
“No!” Zell snaps at me at the same time Volethos turns and snarls at him.
“That wasn’t part of the plan,” Volethos says, dropping his voice low and dangerous.
“Whose plan?” Zell asks. “It’ll be safer to drop the females off, then we’ll decide what—”
“No!” I shout. Although I’m not quite sure why I’ve suddenly chosen this hill to die upon.
Zell gives me a look like he could happily strangle me.
“Shae, think about this,” Danielle says quietly.
“I am.” I fix my gaze on Volethos, who seems to at least be mostly on my side in this. “After all the shit we’ve been through, I’d like a little retribution too.”
Danielle mumbles something under her breath about how stubborn Tauruses are, but I ignore her. Shifting my attention between Volethos and Zell, I open my mouth to plead my case to him. But before I can get anything out, Zell slams his hand down on the control board, and an icon starts spinning on the screen.
“It would be suicide if we walked right back into Kurrahstka’s house with the females we just stole from him,” Zell says just as the screen flashes and a gray alien with shaggy brown hair and darker gray stripes appears.
For a moment, this new alien is still. Stoic. Then his eyebrows rise in surprise a second before they crash down low over his cat-like green eyes.
“I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon. What happ—” He leans his head to the side and suddenly looks even more surprised when he catches sight of Danielle and me against the far wall. “You got them?”
“Females,” Volethos says, gesturing at the gray alien on the screen. “This is Rovos. He is a bounty hunter who goes after trafficked species. He’s also mated to a human female and is currently helping with the growing human settlement on Pamia.”
My eyes dart between the gray alien and Volethos, and I notice some resemblance and realize they must be the same species. Rovos is certainly the better-looking of the two. He’s in optimal health with wide shoulders packed with thick muscle. His eyes shine a vibrant green. For some reason, I begin to wonder what Volethos might look like in similar condition.
“Hello,” Rovos nods at me and then at Danielle, “I’m not sure what you’ve been told, but we’ve been looking for you since shortly after you were abducted from your planet. In fact, we’ve been able to rescue, or at least know the whereabouts, of all the females you were with.”
I look over at Volethos, who is sitting stiff as a board with his jaw clenched hard enough that I can see the muscles ticking on both sides of his face.
“Bela and Skylar are here,” Rovos continues. “My mate, Anna, is also from Earth, although she wasn’t part of your group.”
“That’s only two. What happened to the others?” Danielle speaks up.