Page 21 of Shae’s Bounty
I bite down on the inside of my cheek and slowly nod, taking her words into very careful consideration. It doesn’t escape my notice that neither Zell nor Rovos jump to contradict Bela.
I look back at where Danielle has gotten herself free of the restraints and is standing a little bit behind me. She’s smiling, and suddenly revenge doesn’t sound so important. Maybe not right away, at least.
My eyes flick back to Volethos, whose chin is tipped up, making him look haughty. Clearly, I know nothing about either of these males.
“What do you think?” I ask Danielle.
A grin spreads across her face. “I can’t wait to see everyone.”
A lightness blooms in my chest. Maybe it’s telling me this is where I was meant to go. But then I look over at Volethos, and something about the way he’s purposely avoiding looking at me squashes that light feeling. Instead, my heart turns heavy, and … I don’t know, I feel…sad.
Which is silly. I’ve known this guy for all of a few hours. I’m grateful he saved us, but what exactly is his motivation for doing so? How safe are we really with these guys?
Bela is grinning at us through the screen. “I can’t wait to tell everyone you’re coming!”
“We’ll see you soon,” I say, and soon after, the comm ends.
Danielle drapes her arm around my shoulders, and I lean into her. I should feel happy, relieved, but… I just don’t.
“You both must be tired.” Zell pushes himself up from his seat. “Follow me; I’ll show you to the room you can stay in. We’ll make a stop at the nearest station for supplies. Get you some clothes and whatever else you might need.”
“Thank you,” Danielle speaks up.
His strange green and black eyes soften when he looks at her, and he bows his head before turning and striding out of the room, leaving us to hurry after him.
I pause in the doorway and look over my shoulder to find Volethos sitting stiffly with his back to me. His hands are at his sides, where they clench and unclench. I have the strangest feeling I should go to him. Maybe I should let him give me his side of things. But then I remind myself that I don’t know him well enough to think of him in either light. So, instead, I turn back and follow Danielle out.
* * *
It takes every bit of my strength to remain in my seat while I watch my female walk out of the room with Zell. My hands are fisted, my claws digging into my palms, and my jaw is so tight I wouldn’t be surprised if my teeth started to crack.
She’s going to leave.
Ah, vittu!
What the fuck is wrong with me?
I unclench my hands and dig my fingers through the stiff tufts of my hair. I used to wear it long. Loved the way it felt when females sank their fingers into it, grabbing handfuls when my mouth was between their thighs.
Then everything fell apart. I lost my status, my livelihood, my entire fucking lifestyle! My body wasted, and my hair lost its shine—along with my eyes. So, I took my blade to it. Hacking at it like the rest of me had been hacked away at.
I don’t pretend to be a worthy male. Maybe I was once, but over time, little by little, I lost my way. My honor. More than once I nearly lost my life. Sometimes I wish I would have.
My shoulders sag, and I fall back against my seat. What am I thinking, wanting to take her with us while we take our revenge on Kurrahstka? Zell is right; it would be suicide to wave the females under his nose. And yet, my skin crawls at letting her leave the room. Who am I kidding that I’ll be able to leave her behind on a planet?
Except, I don’t really have a choice, do I?
When Zell returns from taking the females to their room, he pauses at the entrance of the cockpit. His striated eyes lock on me, and for a moment—or an eternity—he just stares. Finally, he shakes his head and takes the seat next to mine.
“You’re acting very strange.” He leans back in his chair, his expression curious.
“How so?” And how does he think I should be acting?
He’s quiet for several moments before his lips turn up slightly at the corners. “I’m not sure. You seem…besotted? Enthralled? That female has you twisted into knots, and for maybe the first time in your life, you have no idea what to do about it.”