Page 37 of Shae’s Bounty
As soon aswe’re closed in our room, I reach up and unclasp the torque that acts as my disguise. After tossing it onto the small table, along with my silk mask, I fall into a plush chair with a loud sigh. Across the room, Shae is doing the same, although more carefully. A low vibration rumbles deep in my chest as her hands carefully work the clasp that holds the filigree around her slender neck.
My hands itch to cage her throat, much like the collar. To hold her down, cutting off just enough of her air to make her lips part and her eyes flutter with lightheadedness, while I work myself between her thighs and drive us both to a pulse-pounding climax.
I grind my molars until my jaw aches, reminding myself that’s not why we’re here. A low growl replaces the purr that keeps threatening to push itself up my throat, and I shove myself to my feet, striding over to the bar, where I fill a glass with the first bottle I reach.
“Wanna make me one of those?” Shae asks.
With the glass halfway to my lips, I look over my shoulder. The revealing dress is gone, and she’s wearing the giant robe she wore the night before. Her hair is mussed and wild about her face, and my cock hardens behind my fly. Tipping the glass back, I quickly refill it and then pass it to her.
She looks from the glass and back to me, then one of her slender brows arches. She takes the glass and tosses it back like I just did.
I can’t help grinning as her face scrunches up when the fiery burn hits. She shoves the glass back at me with a hoarse, “Thanks.”
Without taking my eyes from her, I reach back and refill the glass once more, then slowly make my way back to the chair. “Alright, ask your questions.”
Shae drops to the edge of the bed across from me. “Who’s the woman?”
When I don’t elaborate, she asks, “And what is she to you?”
I give her an arched look over the rim of my glass. “Nothing.”
She doesn’t buy it. “Liar.”
“Nothinganymore.” I sigh. “Not for revs.”
“I knew there was a history,” she mutters to herself, looking off to the side. Then she snaps her eyes back to me, dropping her elbows to her knees and leaning forward, giving me an unobstructed view of her pert breasts down the neck of her robe. “How fucked are we that she knows who you are?”
“Ah, but isn’t that the question?” I mutter, pulling my eyes away from the sight of her breasts as I lean my head back into the chair. “I’m not sure. She said she won’t turn us in. But I don’t know if she can be trusted.”
Shae nods, pressing her palms together and twining her fingers as she scrunches up her nose in thought.Gods, she’s lovely.
“Alright. We need to get her on our side,” she says, then levels her gaze on me. “Soyouneed to do whatever you must to make that happen.”
I snort into my glass, but she just keeps going. “Does she work for Kurrahstka?”
I shrug. “That’s how it seems.”
“Then she might be our in.”
The glass pauses at my lips before I can take another sip. “Ourinhow?”
“She might be how we get to Kurrahstka. If she works for him, we can use her. Get intel from her so we can form a plan and then destroy him from the inside.”
“And what if she isn’t willing to help usdestroyher boss and livelihood?”
Shae rolls her eyes. “We’re not going to tell her! But we can ask questions, and if you and she have the kind of history I think you do… there’s always pillow talk.”
“Pillow talk?” I exclaim. Does she really think I would do such a thing? Slamming my glass down on the table, I lunge forward, anchoring my hands on the bed on either side of her, and lean in so we’re nearly nose to nose.
“Yeah, you know, it’s when you try to get her to tell you her secrets in bed—”
“Iknowwhat pillow talk is,” I growl. Then I watch her face carefully when I ask, “Youwantme to seduce her?”
She bites her lip, and I don’t miss the way her small nostrils flare. No. She doesn’t want that.
“If that’s what it takes,” she says.