Page 66 of Shae’s Bounty
“State your business,” one of the males demands.
He’s young, barely an adult, and when I stride right up to him, he staggers back and nearly pisses himself.
“Get out of my way, pup!” I growl down at him.
The blaster in his hands is shaking so badly, I’m afraid he might accidently shoot himself with it. We’re both saved when a female strides up behind him. “I’ll handle this,” she tells him. Then she plucks the blaster from his hand, and he turns and scurries away.
With a heavy sigh, she looks up at me and then over at Zell and Danielle. “Are you Volethos? Raela told me you’d come.”
“I am. Where is she?”
She waves at us to follow and turns on her heel, taking us over to a group of Federation officers. A tall Niveron male stops mid-sentence when he sees us. “Is this them?” he asks the female.
When she nods, he waves away the group he was just talking with. “Follow me,” he says.
He leads us over to one of the ships, where several crates have been set on the ground. When he flips open one of the lids, I’m surprised to find it’s full of military-issue blasters.
“Do you know how to shoot?” he asks, holding one out to me.
“Yes.” But I don’t take the offered firearm. This screams of a trap. Why would a Federation agent, for any reason, hand over a weapon to a criminal?
The Niveron chuckles and then grabs my hand, slapping the blaster into my palm. “I’m known for being a bit… unorthodox around here.” He reaches down and hands blasters to Zell and Danielle as well. However, when Danielle holds the blaster between two fingers like it might bite her, he takes hers back.
He moves to another crate and takes out comms, which he also passes out. “I need your eyes inside. Raela tells me you worked for Kurrahstka and are familiar with the station’s layout.”
I nod as I go through the comm.
“There is a tracker, so we can find you if we need to,” the Niveron reveals. Again, something no other agent would ever do.
“Who are you?” I ask.
He chuckles. “Xedrus.”
“Well, Agent Xedrus,” I begin.
“Commander,” he interrupts. “It’s Commander Xedrus. And don’t think I don’t know exactly who you are, Volethos.”
“Fine. Commander,” I reply. “My first priority is my female. Once I know she’s safe, I’ll see what I can do to help your cause.”
Xedrus grins, flashing sharp teeth while his tail flicks back and forth behind him. “I would expect nothing less from you.”
Good. Just as long as we’re on the same page.
I look over my shoulder at Zell and Danielle. “Ready?”
They both nod, although Danielle steps in closer to Zell, who tucks her into his side.
I shove the comm into my pocket, switch off the blaster’s safety, and then hit the charge. The blaster whines in my hand, and, without waiting for anyone else, I head out of the docking bay and into the station.
Zell catches up to me a moment later, and I ask him, “Do you have the comm Shae used to contact you on?”
“I do,” he says, handing it over to me.
I hit the last response and wait… but the signal isn’t going through. Wherever they are, I hope they’re safe. Although, knowing my female, she’ll be right in the middle of the least safe place on the whole station.
No matter, I tell myself as I hand the comm back to Zell. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and try tofeelwhere Shae might be.
Our bond isn’t as strong as it could be since she hasn’t claimed me back with her bite. But I should still be able to get a feel for her if she’s close. And she is. My heart starts to pound in my chest as I pick up on a feeling of… frustration. And boredom. Raela must have her hidden while they wait for me.