Page 79 of Shae’s Bounty
“Should he be in a chair?” Rovos frowns as he watches Volethos struggle down the steps.
I sigh loudly. “Probably. There is also a perfectly safe ramp he could use, but my stubborn-as-hell mate insists on doing things the hard way.”
“I’m through with sitting on my ass,” Volethos grumbles and then groans another string of curses when he manages to run his stump into the doorway.
“Eh, this is good for him,” Anna says. “It was always the ones who were too comfortable sitting on their assess and letting everyone do things for them that I worried about.”
“Well, I don’t have to worry about that with him.” On the contrary, when Volethos decided he was tired of being in bed, he simply got up and hopped, unassisted, to the cleanser while I was sleeping. I probably would have never found out, except that he tripped over the slight ledge getting into the tube and woke me with his howls.
“Ready for the grand tour?” Anna asks when Volethos finally makes it over to us.
I look up at him and grin when his eyes flash green at me. Then I glance out across the desert where construction is almost finished on a new compound.
We’re on the western edge of Leotta, Pamia’s capital city—it’s only major city, actually. Rovos has been working with the government, trying to get them to better protect those who come here seeking asylum. Particularly the humans. While Pamia is well known as an asylum planet, they haven’t done much—if anything—to make sure those seeking refuge are safe. So Rovos has been talking to anyone who will listen, stirring up the residents until the government was forced to rethink their policies.
Thanks to Rovos and the growing number of humans, things are finally changing. Which is why we were able to move outside the city to an area that will allow our numbers to grow.
“The first of two large housing buildings is finished and already has occupants,” Rovos tells us as we make our way past security and through the gates. “The second will be finished within the next rev. On the other side of the buildings, we have land set aside for meat stock. To the east, we set up two large plots that we can rotate for crops, with irrigation and water storage during the rainy season. We also have plans to help other Leotti citizens start their own farms, so we can do more on-planet trading.”
Rovos walks slowly, matching his pace with his very pregnant mate. “We’re also building another underground bunker on the north side just like Xan designed at the first compound.”
“What will happen to that original compound?” I ask, taking in the sight of humans and aliens going about their day, walking between buildings. Kids playing and laughing. It reminds me of apartment complexes on Earth.
“Xan and Deja, and their family will remain there and use that location as an intake center,” Anna explains. “Not all humans end up staying, and it will give them a more centralized place to decide if this will be the right place for them.”
“And what about you two?” Rovos asks. “Have you given thought to whether or not you want to stay here?”
I look up at Volethos, who curls his lips up over his teeth for a moment then drops his eyes down to meet mine. His face softens, and he sighs, “It’s not the worst place to settle down.”
“That’s pretty high praise coming from you.” I laugh. It’s true. I’ve only known Volethos for a short time, but in that time, I’ve learned he’s never really settled down or stayed in a place for long enough to grow roots.
“Would you like to see your new home?” Anna holds out what looks like a key card. “Temporary home, I mean,” she adds with a wink.
“Temporary,” Rovos snorts at the word. “We’ve already moved your things into it.”
We follow them into the building, which is blissfully cool after standing in the heat. Anna leads the way to an elevator, and we’re zipped up several floors. When we step back out into the hall, Anna leads us to a door and pauses.
“Here, this one is yours.” She holds the key card out to me but looks over at Volethos. “You know how to program the lock to your biometrics.”
When I take the card, Anna steps back and leans into Rovos. A soft smile lights her face as she gently rubs her belly.
I tap the card on the scanner, and the door slides open with a whoosh.
I’m not expecting what we walk into.
“Holy shit,” I gasp.
“If you need anything, just let us know.” Rovos reaches over and slaps a hand on Volethos’s shoulder.
We both nod and watch them turn and leave before stepping into the apartment.Ourapartment.
It’s small, but clean. Fully furnished with a modern vibe. At least, modern in human terms. There is a sitting area that opens into a dining area and kitchen—with recognizable Earth tech alongside the more alien tech I’m getting used to. To the left is a hallway I assume leads to the bedroom, and where Volethos is already headed.
Following behind him, I poke my head into the first door I pass and gasp. “Oh, my god. Volethos!” I squeal. “There’s a tub in here!”
“Of course there is a tub,” he grumbles from down the hall. “I told Rovos you required one, since you liked the one on the station so much.”
“You—wait, you knew about this?” I turn back to the hallway, but he’s disappeared.