Page 82 of Shae’s Bounty
“Harder,” I grunt as the first waves of my orgasm race up my cock.
She bites down hard, but it’s still not enough.
I slide my hand to the crease of her ass, dipping my fingers between, searching for her most forbidden hole.
“Harder,” I groan as I slam my hips up at the same time my cum erupts from the tip of my cock and I drive a finger into her dark hole.
Shae’s head kicks back with her scream, and then she lunges forward. Her teeth clamp down on my shoulder, breaking through the skin as her cunt and ass clench around me, rippling and gripping with her orgasm.
“Yes,” I hiss against her ear. “That’s it. Claim me,kurriel. Claim me like I’ve claimed all of you.”
Her voice is hoarse as she cries and moans around my shoulder, her hips shuddering around my cock, and her fingers biting into me. It’s fucking perfect.
When the last of her orgasm subsides, and she’s lying across me, completely boneless, I carefully remove my finger from her ass and turn us so we’re lying on our sides, facing each other.
“I love you,” I whisper against her lips.
I thought she was already asleep, but her lips turn up at the corners, and her eyes slowly open.
“Took you long enough to say it.”
“Actions are more important than words,” I scoff.
Her arms tighten around me, and she settles her head under my chin, “It’s still nice to hear the words.”
At that moment, I vow that my female will never have to wait to hear how much I love her. She’ll always know she is the center of my fucking universe and that everyone and everything else can go fuck themselves. She comes first. Always.
She snorts, “I don’t know how, but I heard that,” she sighs. “You’re an asshole. But you’re my asshole, and I love you too.”
* * *
The End.
My eyes snap open, but I can’t be sure what it is that woke me. I’m in my room, in my bed. The room is so dark that it’s nearly pitch black, which is the way I like it. Without any distraction of light behind my eyelids, it’s the only way I can sleep.
The flicker of movement draws my attention to the doorway, and before my pupils have a chance to dilate enough to bring the darkness into focus, I know it’s her.
She visits me almost nightly, but only in my sleep, so I know this is a dream.
“Are you coming to bed,kosha?”
She is perfectly still in the doorway, framed by the faintest of light, which is dim to even my sensitive sight. I can see the shine from her eyes, eyes I know are wide and gray, like the sea in a storm. I only saw them the once, but they are forever burned into my memory.
Her long arms are folded across her narrow torso. The clothes she wears are loose, hiding her figure from me. I can imagine what she looks like though. And I do. She’s so small, I’m certain my hands will span her narrow waist, and then they will cup her firm breasts nicely.
Her skin is strangely pale. Like milk. Except for the splotches of rose that creep up her long throat and tint her cheeks. I wonder, when I finally unwrap my small, shy gift, will I find those splotches in other places? Perhaps at the tips of her breasts and the juncture of her thighs?
My hips roll of their own volition. My cock is thick and straining against the sheets.
“Come closer,” I beg, even though I know she won’t. She never does. She just stays in the doorway watching.
Sometimes, I take myself in hand and listen to the way her breath catches as I stroke myself to completion. Other times I sit up and talk to her, about everything and nothing. I ask her questions she never answers and tell her things I’ve never told another.
Twice I’ve leapt to my feet and gone to her, but she only vanishes, and then I don’t see her again for rotations. So now I’m content with her presence.