Page 7 of Sasha’s Bounties
I have no idea what abih-dayis, but it seems to be something familiar to her, so I nod in agreement.
“That’s so much better,” she says, standing and pushing Brettins shirt back down her thighs, covering the fascinating pelt between her legs. “Now, what were you saying about rescuing me? Before you locked me up and left.”
My brows drop low over my eyes. I never said anything to her, she must mean Brettin. I open my mouth to say as much and then freeze, realizing she must not be able to tell us apart. I worry if she realizes she is trapped withtwo males,she might feel uncomfortable. So, I decide to keep that to myself, for now.
“Er, my apologies mistress…”
Her furrowed brow smooths suddenly, and she holds one of her hands out to me, “Sorry, I’m Sasha. And you are?”
Sasha…What a perfectly exotic name to go along with her lovely features.
“Vruk,” I say as I take hold of her small hand. Turning it carefully and examining her bruised wrist as I mumble, “Let me get the medkit so I can treat this.”
“Vruk,” her lips tilt up slightly at the corners and she curls her small fingers around my much larger hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Vruk. And thank you, for rescuing me.”
“It’s my pleasure, Sasha.” My already deep voice drops low and rolls her name over my tongue.
Her eyes widen and her dark pupils flare, eating up much of the rich brown of her iris. Her soft pink lips part and she sucks in a quick inhale as her cheeks grow rosy. I like this reaction from her and can’t help wondering if this is how she might look as I pleasured her lithe body?
“Stay here. I’ll be back in a moment.” Shaking those thoughts from my head, I slip my hand from hers and turn on my heel.
It takes more effort than I expect to walk away from her. To leave the room suddenly saturated with her sweet scent and walk down the hall to where we keep the medkit. I must consciously slow my steps as I return to her, or risk terrifying her by barreling back into her room.
Hmm, the strange way Brettin was acting is starting to make more sense.
Sasha is sitting on the edge of the bed again when I return. I open the kit and set it beside her as I kneel at her feet.
“Let me see,” I rumble, reaching for her dainty hands that look impossibly small against my large palms.
Her eyes are wide as she watches me reach for a tube of ointment. When I smooth it on her abused skin, her lip’s part and she sighs. The soft sound making my cock twitch in my pants.
“Oh, that feels nice,” she whispers and some of the tension I hadn’t noticed in her shoulders relaxes.
The thought that she’s been in pain this whole time makes me clench my teeth and my chest goes tight. Returning the ointment to the medkit, I take out a soft roll of gauze. Carefully winding it around her wrists and pressing it so it’s smooth and there isn’t a single wrinkle that might irritate her injury further.
“There,” I say as I lean back on my heels.
Sasha looks down at her bandaged wrists and a small smile tugs at her lips, “Thank you. That is much better.”
“Come, you must be hungry. I’ll show you the galley.” I say, pushing myself to my feet and reaching over to gather the medkit up.
Sasha’s arms wrap around her middle just as an angry gurgle escapes. “I’m starving. I don’t even know when the last time I ate more than just a granola bar was. Thank you.”
A feeling of pride, at attending to another of her needs has me puffing out my chest. I lead this female down the hall, so I can feed her. Nourish her. It’s a very basic thing, to eat. Only when that basic need is taken away, does one realize how special it is. To be able to provide that—
My lips split into a wide smile, and I vow to give this female everything within my power to give her.
* * *
I’ve practically drank my body’s weight in water and I’m on my second bowl of alien chili—at least, that’s what I’m calling it. I’m not about to ask what might really be in it.
Vruk is sitting across from me, watching me closely. Prepared to attend to whatever whim or craving I might have next. It’s very sweet. Not at all the way he acted when he liberated me from the grays, but maybe he was focused on getting us off that ship then.
Now his body language is much more relaxed. Even his eyes seem different. Instead of the stone-colored pewter, they are more of a soft silver now.