Page 19 of Ruin
I want so much more of it.
I could help them both, heal hearts, and still learn from them.
“So … you want to share me?” I swayed between them, my fingertips grazing their naked, lean muscled bodies.
Two pairs of eyes glowed down at me, filled with a dark promise I couldn’t wait to cash in.
“Ah, yes.” Damon coughed into his fist. “We weren’t honest about the sharing part.” He gave me a look that only made it to semi-apologetic at absolute best.
But he was super cute, and I forgave him instantly. Still, I had to keep up some pretense, now that I knew they both hated the idea of training a brat. Wait, was it only Demon who hated the thought? That was something I needed to play with later.
“Uh-huh,” I muttered, stepping back to keep an eye on both of them.
“And I might have misled you about who was who…”
“You don’t say.” I didn’t bother to hide the bite of mirth that edged into my voice by accident. “Get to the point before that brat you both don’t like comes out.”
“We’d like to keep you.” Demon stepped forward into my space.
For a man who didn’t like physical contact, he sure impinged on mine enough.
His arms came around me and he kissed me deeply while his brother whooped in the background.
“That’s not very dom-like behavior,” I muttered against the colder brother’s mouth.
“My apologies.”
“I don’t give a fuck.”
They both spoke at the same time. I looked between them and couldn’t hold my laughter back any longer, trembling at Demon’s cool touch and holding out a hand to Damon. He grinned and stepped into me, kissing me slowly, reassuring every inch of me that this was right.
Just perfect.
I curled my bare toes around the barstool as my customary vodka shot and slice of lime sat in front of me. A different numbered key sat beside it. It was Demon’s night for playtime, which meant that I was in for a world of hurt, quite literally.
James, the bartender, passed me a second, lurid green shot. “Knock them back, one after the other. Those instructions are from your masters,” he advised.
My masters.
A thrill shot through me at the concept. I’d been theirs for a little over a month. Four bliss-filled weeks of having them both to myself, ourselves. They would both start traveling again soon for work. They were that good. Chances were that I would spend most nights on my own, but when they were home, I would be serving at least one Blake brother.
They’d moved me into their two-story, Gothic-looking apartment we shared in the center of the city. I still kept my place, though I had no intention of leaving. From the collar with both names engraved on it locked around my throat, they had no intention of letting me go any time soon, either.
Black on silver with a hint of red and blue.
Their colors, of course.
In fact, I had the impression that if I tried to leave, I’d be locked in a little cage with the key thrown away.
I was just fine with that.
“One after the other, hey?” I closed my eyes, grabbed both shots, and slammed them back. My throat burned, followed by my stomach that clenched down on the sour, bitter taste of what felt like pure alcohol.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” I wheezed, coughing into the back of my hand, conscious of my no-panties rule where I perched with my legs spread wide, even though I faced the bar.
I still felt like an exposed doll, which was exactly Demon’s intention.