Page 4 of Ruin
His grip tightened for an instant, darkness roiling beneath his skin as though his beast would come out to meet me, too. His breath came out in a rush of cool air as his grip eased, dropping away. Cold air replaced his touch. “Well then, my little bower bird. Meet me here tomorrow night at nine PM. We will see how we … match.”
He pressed a black card with rose gold curlique writing on it into my hand.
release your illusions
I swallowed as he reached past me and flicked the door handle open at my back. “Thank you … Sir.” I dipped my head in a pathetic mini bow thing for no reason at all and slipped away from him.
What does one wear on a submissive date?
I twisted around to ask, but he was already closing the door. Our eyes met in a clash of wills and want. Then the sliver of light darkened and the closed door stood between us. I made my way back through the labyrinth of corridors, replaying that last instant in my mind a hundred times before I reached my car, and by then I was convinced.
In that last moment before he shut the door, Doctor Damon Blake smiled.
Chapter Two
Dr. Blake
I watched Kiera Blythewood enter Fray’s main room, clutching her purse over her sweetly curved stomach. Even if I hadn’t kept an eye out for her, that little crutch alone would have driven my senses sky high. Dark hair tumbled in haphazard waves about her shoulders, her cheeks pink with arousal from the moment she stepped into a world that was so far outside her frame of reference that she didn’t know how to react.
The tiny girl with a big fetish, all sparkly and cutesy and so goddam fuckable.
Her blue dress flowed just above the knee, looking like a party or cocktail attire, though the little silver broach at one side of the low waist told another story. One where I could slide the material aside and unwrap her like the delicious little present my bower bird pretended not to be.
She mouthed off in the office earlier in the week when I thought she might run for the hills, and yet here she was, her long, dark hair held at bay in a black-and-blue Alice band to match her pretty dress, looking far too innocent and delectable.
Killian du Pont left his post at the entrance, striding across the floor to her. He matched the silver in his hair to his three-piece suit. I couldn’t fault his style; the man was always impeccably dressed. He made it halfway across the floor when his submissive and partner, Lux, beat him to Kiera’s side. She rolled her eyes, a misdemeanor they’d both enjoy getting her to pay for at a later hour, and spoke in Kiera’s ear over the music.
When she turned a curious face in my direction, I downed my drink and took it as my cue to start my night.
Or an invitation.
Music pumped over the moans that started to fill the main floor. More would fill the alcove of the shifter sex club as the evening progressed, but that wasn’t where we would be playing.
“Dr. Blake.” Lux fluffed her pink feathers around her chest and narrowed her eyes, sweeping her gaze over me. “What’s our little trickster up to? I haven’t seen you about for an age.”
“It’s been a month at least,” I agreed, tilting my chin in Killian’s direction. “He treating you like he should?”
“Pleasure and pain, my friend.” Lux let a flirtatious smile cross her face while Kiera stood between us, transfixed while we held a silent conversation with our eyes over her head.
Don’t fuck with an innocent.
She’s not as clean as she pretends.
Don’t you lie to her. Asshole.
She only got away with the slight because the implied curse was non-verbal. Plus, I wasn’t her Dom. Killian could call her out on it later, if he chose.
Instead, I bit back a snort at her attitude and winked. She was only doing her job and looking after cute little floofs like my Kiera.
And this little floof will be mine.
I intended nothing less for her, even if she thought tonight was still a trial.
“Shall we?” I held out a hand to Kiera.
Her fingers curled around mine before she looked down, a bemused expression softening her pretty, heart-shaped face. “Yes?”