Page 5 of Vampire in the Jungle
“Your beast is talking shit about me, isn’t he?” MF asked. “Well, if you’re listening, creepy parasite, you should know you don’t scare me. You’re just a dark shadow clinging to Damien’s light because you know you’re worthless without him. And that makes you a big fat nothing of a coward.”
I am going to remove your lips and tongue, MF, and sew them to your eyes so you can taste the horror I rain down upon your soul, starting with disembowel—
“Enough, you two. I need to think,” Damien growled.
“Fine, but he started it.” MF folded her arms over her chest.
“Pretend my brother does not exist, as I do, MF. And be thankful you cannot hear him.”
“Doesn’t make him any less of a sick fuck.”
True. And MF would know. She’d recently witnessed his brother’s handiwork at a dinner party. The beast had broken through Damien’s control, only to kill the host’s entire family, the staff, and security. Unfortunately, most of the victims were members of the Russian mob. Also unfortunate, someone had taken photos and mailed them to the shop. No note.
What did they want? Probably money. Damien would have to deal with that later, but it was just one more example of why it was essential to stay in control and keep those he cared for at a distance. His twin was always waiting in the wings, eager for that moment when Damien let his guard down.
“So which woman are you going to pick?” MF asked.
“I do not know. Nor will I have to worry about it if I do not convince this vampire to return to civilization. Cimil has promised to kill them both if I fail.”
“She did what?” MF’s jaw slacked.
“I will lose them both all over again if I do not locate this vampire and persuade him to return home with me. If I succeed, she will only kill one.”
MF covered her mouth with a gasp. “I’m so sorry, Damien. I didn’t know. That’s really messed up.”
He nodded in agreement.
“Well, then, lucky thing you brought your posse.”
He slowly turned his head. “Yes. So very lucky. What could possibly go wrong with you four by my side?”
Sky Morales stared into the rearview mirror of the black Jaguar she’d “borrowed” from Damien’s house without his knowledge.
What could she say? He wasn’t home when she swung by, and he had garages filled with cars. It was difficult coming back to life, especially in the unfamiliar body of a woman with no ID, no money, and no credit card to rent a car.
Sky fixed her long honey blonde hair and studied her emerald green eyes.So damned weird. She’d been born with dark hair and brown eyes. And a big ass.I liked my big ass. This body had more of an athletic look. Lean, tall, strong. Tight small ass.
Be grateful,she told herself.Because it could’ve gone the other way.Cimil was the sadistic type, so Sky wouldn’t have been surprised to end up in a body with a bad ticker, nonstop flatulence, and missing teeth. All in all, Sky felt pretty lucky.
Sky exited the car, heading for the motel lobby.Please be here. Please be here.Sky had already checked fifteen small motels along the coast. Her sister, Amelia, had said she was taking Sky’s nephew, Miguel, to the beach for a few weeks but never said which one. Nor was she sharing her life online these days.
Why? Long story, but before Sky’s unfortunate death, she had been a freelance journalist and published several investigatory pieces on a sex-trafficking ring. The ring turned out to be much more than that. In any case, there were people in high places who hadn’t wanted the story to go public.
For Amelia’s and Miguel’s safety, they’d gone into hiding.
Now Sky wasn’t sure what to do. Officially, Sky was dead. The threat was over. On the other hand, she had no intention of staying quiet or not releasing the rest of the story as originally planned. The world needed to know what the governor and his wealthy friends were up to.
Sky trudged toward the motel lobby and spotted Amelia entering a room at the far end, carrying bottles of water.
Oh, thank God!Sky’s heart squeezed in her chest. How she’d missed them—their hugs, her sister’s laugh, Miguel’s feistiness, the weekend barbeques. The three of them were inseparable.
Sky knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” Amelia said from the other side.
“I’ll give you three guesses, but here’s a hint: you threatened to kill me if I left, even though I was a ghost.” After Sky had died, her soul stayed put in this world, anchored to Damien.