Page 52 of The Gangster's Prize
Instead, she bit her lip and slid onto my lap. My body instantly responded to the feel of her soft curves.
Her fingers tangled in my hair. “That was easy. And here I thought you wouldn’t listen. I was worried that you’d moved on.”
Was she cracked? The words tumbled from my mouth. “There is no moving on from you, widow. I’m drowning without you, but I can’t feel it. I can’t feel anything.”
“I miss you, too. Very much.”
I forced the words out, though I feared I might be wrong. “Does this mean you’re giving me another chance?”
She rested her forehead against my jaw. “Are your kidnapping days behind you?”
“When it comes to you and your family, yes.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “You’re impossible.”
“If you’re hoping to redeem me, I will disappoint you.”
“I don’t want to redeem you, William. I want to love you.”
Jesus, those were the sweetest words I’d ever heard. I kissed her temple. “Oh sweetheart. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Every day. You’ll never regret it.”
She hummed and shifted on my lap. The friction sent fresh waves of sparks through my blood. She said, “I wish you had been honest with me from the start.”
“From now on, I will be.”
“You’d best mind that promise, Bax. Because I really will shoot you this time if you don’t.”
I couldn’t help but grin. My bloodthirsty girl. “I hope you do.”
She patted my chest. “Then this means I’m yours and you’re mine.”
“And you’ll come live with me in Hell’s Kitchen, yeah?”
“Eventually.” She ran a finger along my jaw. I shivered, the light touch driving me out of my skull.
“Untie me, widow. Right the fuck now.”
“I don’t think so. I like having you at my mercy.”
“I need to get my hands on you. Please, Belle.”
“I’d much rather show you the undergarments I wore just for you.”
More blood rushed between my legs, and my cock went rigid. I couldn’t move, and yet I liked this game we were playing.
I put my lips close to her ear. “You gonna be a good girl for me and put on a show?”
“Let’s call it research for the store, shall we?” Climbing off my lap, she moved to stand in front of me. “Would you like to see the drawers or the corset first?”
“The drawers,” I instantly answered.
“Then I think I’ll start with the corset.”
I groaned and closed my eyes. “You brought me here to torture me.”
“Indeed, I did. It’s nothing less than you deserve. Watch carefully, darling.”
The endearment caught me by surprise, the result like an electric charge to my blood. “Goddamn it. Hurry, woman.”