Page 23 of Mile High Baby
I stood and walked over to the door. His eyes stayed on mine. As I drew near, he inhaled a breath as if guarding himself from me. Interesting.
"I get it, Alex." I shut the door in his face.
She was a spoiled brat. This was exactly why I didn’t like being a bodyguard for rich men’s daughters.
You’re such a fucking liar.
But lying to myself was easier than the truth. I was the one being the asshole because I knew it pissed her off and if I did that, she’d stay away. And the plan was working. I was relieved when she said she wanted to stay at her father's house, partly because I knew it would be easier to protect her there and partly because when I walked into her place and saw her everywhere in it, I knew it would be impossible for me to keep my hands to myself.
Of course, I couldn’t just nod and agree to take her to her father’s place. Instead, I made a dumbass retort. She was right, I was acting like a teenager. Did she catch on that I was a horny teenager?
When she retreated to her room, I told Henry that I wanted to get a layout of the house as part of my job. But the truth was that I wanted to see where she was going to be. I wanted to see her. God, I was totally fucked.
I prayed to God that with being in Henry’s house and focusing on my job, I’d be distracted from the woman who was haunting my every fantasy. But I'd have to stop going up to see her on the third floor. And it absolutely meant no socializing. No dinners with the family.
The truth of the matter was that both Henry and Victoria were in serious trouble, and I needed to focus to keep them both safe.
Wallowingin my own self-loathing and I suppose embarrassment at Victoria’s calling me out and slamming the door in my face, I walked away from her room and set out to check the rest of the house. I grew up in an affluent family, but Henry's wealth dwarfed mine. Henry was the one percent of the one percent. The home was seven stories, including a garage basement located on Riverside Drive. It was on the corner, which meant it had three exposed sides. Front, side, and back. Then there were the shit-ton of windows. It could be a security nightmare, but over the years Henry and his family before him had taken measures to install state-of-the-art alarms, cameras, and other security measures.
I made my way through every nook and cranny on all floors and then returned to Henry's office. I liked adventure, and even danger, which was why I took the job I had. But neither Henry nor Victoria wanted the sort of danger that George Pitney was bringing to them. To be honest, I didn’t want it either. Not for them or for me. It was time that I tried to talk sense into Henry.
“Do you have some time for us to talk about what's going on here?" I entered Henry's office and plopped myself down in the chair in front of his desk without waiting for an invitation.
He sat back in his chair, cocking his head to the side. "Something's got you upset."
I shrugged. "I've been through all the information we were able to get about the case against George and the threats against you, and now, today, Victoria."
Henry's eyes narrowed and his body tensed. "I'm glad I brought you in when I did."
"Henry, you're on a fool’s errand here. One that will likely get you killed, and possibly Victoria too."
He gave me an annoyed glare. "I don't have much choice—”
"You do. You can let all this go. You told me that you believe there would be an arrest made within the week, but the only thing that they have on him that may, and I emphasize may, stick are fraud charges. I don't have to tell you that even if George is in prison, he can still get to you. Is that what you want? You want to die? For what?"
Henry bristled. "Someone has to stop him, and if someone with my resources can't do it, then no one will. This man cannot continue to get away with everything he does. I know that I am risking my life, but I also know that it needs to be done."
"And you're willing to risk Victoria's life?"
He turned away, his jaw tight. "I will do everything to keep Tori safe. That's why I brought you here." He turned his attention back to me. "You can do that, can't you?"
"For how long, Henry? This thing is not going to be over in a week. In fact, even if you put George in prison, this is never going to go away. You will always be unsafe, as well as Victoria. Is that what you want? To live the rest of your life having bodyguards and looking over your shoulder? Is that what you want for her?"
For a moment, I thought I’d reached him. But then he shook his head and looked at me intently. "I can't back down on this, Alex."
I stood, letting out a sigh. "I figured as much." I pulled out my phone as I turned to leave the room.
"Where are you going?"
"First, I'm going to ask my boss for more time. And then I'm going to get to work to figure out a way to get rid of George Pitney once and for all. If he doesn't get charged with something more serious like kidnapping or murder, you're never going to be free of him. And even then, I'm not sure you'll be free of him."
I reached the door and turned back. "You should really seriously think about the witness protection that you were offered."
He shook his head. "I can't abandon my company and all the people who work for me.”