Page 39 of Mile High Baby
This time, his gaze lifted, and he looked at me like I was a petulant teenager. “No.”
"Come on, Alex. I need fresh air. Fusion food truck food. Room to move."
"This house has seven levels. You have plenty of room.”
“Please. Surely, there is a safe place we could go.” A thought came to me. "How about the Hampton house?"
His expression didn't change. “You'll be a sitting duck there.” He let out a long sigh. “Think of this as a new adventure."
I smirked at him. "Yeah, right. How come you're not going stir crazy? You're cooped up too."
"I'm not, though. First, I'm working and second, I can walk out of here any time I want. "
"Rub it in, jerk." I turned and left, knowing my effort had been futile.
"Don't think you'll be able to escape,” he called after me.
I gave him the finger.
Once again, I tried to occupy my time. I went down to the gym but lasted only five minutes on the treadmill even with the video set to have me walking in the Alps.
I gave up and went back upstairs to the kitchen to get a snack. As I approached, I heard Caroline upset about something.
“It’s not good.”
"It's just one meal, Caroline," Mrs. Tillis said.
Not wanting to interrupt, I went to my father's bar and poured a large glass of wine. I brought it up to my bathroom and filled my tub with water and my grandmother's lavender bath salts. Undressing, I got into the tub with my wine and tried to let go of all my frustrations. My dad's hard-headedness. Alex's infuriating attitude.
"I hate him," I said to my wine.But you want him. That was the most annoying. Even when he was a jerk, he was sexy. Looking at him, my body remembered all the erotic things he'd done, and it wanted him to do it again. That made me hate him more.
My fingers were well pruned when Mrs. Tillis found me. She knocked on the door, and not feeling modest since she’d given me baths as a child, I told her to come in.
She smiled. "What a nice way to spend your afternoon."
"I'm out of wine."
"Why don't you get out and get dressed? Dinner is about ready.” She held up a towel.
I stood and exited the tub. She wrapped me up and then walked over to get my robe hanging behind the door.
"What's for dinner?" I asked as I dried myself off.
"I’m not sure.”
I frowned as I took the robe Mrs. Tillis held out for me. “What was Caroline upset about earlier?"
Mrs. Tillis's eyes stared at me like the proverbial deer with its eyes caught in headlights. What was going on?
"Oh, you know her..." Mrs. Tillis waved a hand. "Get dressed." She left the bathroom and my room.
With a shrug, I made my way to my room. I opened the dresser holding the few clothes I had. Maybe that was how I could get out. I could tell Alex I needed to pick up more things at my place.
I tugged on a casual denim skirt and a loose, flowery top. I let my hair down. I had nowhere to go, so there was no reason not to be comfortable.
I opened the door of my bedroom and stepped out into a wall of man.