Page 48 of Mile High Baby
"Yes, the sex was mutual. The whiplash from your wanting me one minute and being repulsed by me the next is not.”
"I'm not repulsed by you, Victoria. It's me not wanting to betray Henry, and yet I have."
I watched him, wondering why he was saying all this. He got his rocks off. Now he could move on.
I can't stop thinking of you. Of wanting you.
"What if I wasn't Henry's daughter? Would it be different?"
He moved closer, and while I should have retreated, I didn’t.
"Yes. Absolutely. "
He gave me a pained look. "You know how."
“You and I could have our wicked way with each other."
“I guess you could put it like that.”
"How would you put it?” Where did he see this going if my father wasn't in the way?
"We're two consenting adults enjoying each other's company.”
Okay, so he wasn't feeling more than a powerful physical attraction. "What about one-and-done?”
"Sometimes, one time isn’t enough.”
"Well now you've had two."
"Two isn't enough either.” His eyes were dark, filled with desperation, but I couldn't be sure whether it was desire for me or frustration at his desire.
"Is that why you're here? To get your fill?"
He sighed. "I'm here to tell you I'm sorry for—”
I help up my hand. "Yes, I know, Alex. I'm tired of hearing your apologies. I understand your situation and I appreciate how difficult it is for you."
"I don't think you do."
"Do what?”
"Understand how difficult this is for me." His hand cupped my cheek. "You're smart, feisty, funny, brave and adventurous.” His thumb brushed over my bottom lip, and it took all my will to not moan or give in to his touch. "I wanted to have dinner with you and learn about all your goals and dreams. I want to let you out of here and then follow you on whatever adventure you go on next."
His words chipped away at the hate I tried to have for him. "That would be stalking."
"You like different."
"I do. Very much."
I stepped back because I was precariously close to jumping him. "Well, you can't have me. Not anymore. Not if each time your guilt has you acting like an asshole.”
“I can’t fight it, Victoria.”
“Unless you can resolve your hang-up—”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” he snapped and then let out a frustrated breath.