Page 86 of Mile High Baby
“You’re okay with that?” my father hissed.
Ian’s expression was perplexed. Dax looked at us like we were idiots. “That was the plan.”
My father backed away, pulling me with him. “Knightly, call the police.”
All of a sudden, Dax laughed. “Jesus, you thought that was real?”
“Alex is good,” Ian said.
The pit of my stomach clenched. Had I gotten it wrong?
“The guy is on vacation trying to save your ass.” Dax glared at me. “Both your asses, which is no easy feat considering you’re both reckless and don’t seem to care about putting anyone else in danger—”
“How dare you,” my father bellowed.
That sick feeling in my stomach grew.
“Alex knew you’d be forever in danger even if Pitney went away on fraud charges. So what did he do? He got Pitney on tape hiring a hitman while simultaneously sending in a team to rescue you. The man is a fucking genius. He risked his life for the both of you and you think he’s a murderer?”
“No wonder he left,” Ian murmured.
Oh, God. Had Alex overheard us? Why didn’t he come in and set us straight?
“He still fucked my daughter.”
Dax looked at me. “Did he put his hands on you when you didn’t want him to?”
I shook my head.
“She’s a grown woman, Banion.”
“He was my friend. It’s wrong. Perverted.”
Dax shook his head. “That’s between you all. I have more important things to do. Come on, Jorgenson.”
The two men started for the door.
“Wait.” I rushed over to them. “Why are you looking for Alex?”
“Why do you care?” Dax continued out the door.
“He’s missing,” Ian answered.
I followed them down the steps. “Missing? How?”
“If we knew that, we wouldn’t be here.” Dax’s phone rang, which was the only thing stopping him from getting into the waiting car. “Sheppard.”
I watched as he took his call, waiting to find out what was going on.
“Mother fucker!”
“What?” Ian asked.
“Pitney wasn’t at the house for the arrest.”
“He’s on the run,” Ian commented.
Dax shook his head. “What are the odds that he found Alex?”