Page 90 of Mile High Baby
I shook my head. "I can't do that, Dad."
"Why the hell not?"
I sighed. "Because I love him."
“Oh, for Christ's sake, Tori. You can't possibly be in love. Sex isn’t love. Besides, Alex doesn't know how to love."
"I never said he loved me. He probably doesn't, but I love him. I want to go to him. I will go to him." I considered telling my father about the baby, but I decided that Alex needed to know first.
My father pulled in a breath, puffing himself up. "I refuse to let you go."
I let out a humorless laugh. "I'm a grown woman. I don't need your permission."
I hated the way he looked at me, the heat, but also the pain, the feeling of betrayal he must be experiencing. "You're a grown woman who continues to accept an allowance from me. What if I cut you off?"
His words felt like a stab to the heart, not because I wanted or needed his money, but that it was coming down to this. Him threatening me.
I hoped my expression was soft and not angry. "You have to do what you have to do. I don't need your money. And in fact, if you want the money that you've given me for the last few years back, I have it saved. I can return it to you. But I am going to Alex."
"So that's it. You’re going to choose him over me."
I shook my head. "You're the one who’s choosing. Sorry, Dad, I've gotta go."
Little didI know that I would be blocked from seeing Alex for three days. On the final day, I couldn't take it anymore. My despair at not seeing him rose in anger until I was making a scene in the hallway outside Alex's room. I knew it wouldn't matter. The Saint Security guard posted outside his door wasn't going to let me in.
When the nurse came out, she gave me a disapproving look but then told me that I could go in and see Alex. The guard looked at her in question, and she informed him that Alex said he’d see me.
I hoped that was a good sign. I entered his room, half afraid the guard would yank me out. When I finally saw Alex, my heart stopped. His face was battered and bruised. His hand was in a large bandage. I wanted to run to him and soothe his pain.
He pulled away and looked at me with such disdain, it nearly brought me to my knees. But I was determined to say the things I hadn't been brave enough to say before. But before I got to that, I had to apologize.
"You needed. I'm in the fucking hospital overcoming a beating, tasering, and a hammer to my hand, but you need something. That's how it is with you and Henry, always what you need, not giving a shit about anyone else."
I recoiled from his anger, at his accusation even as I knew he was right. "I suppose it is selfish of me. I've been wrong about so many things, but especially about you. I believed something that wasn't true, even though I should've known better."
Alex just watched me, his expression unchanging. "I can see why you might not know better. But Henry should have. I guess that doesn't matter now since you outed us, anyway."
So he had overheard our discussion or someone told him that my father knew. I looked down in shame. "I don't have a good excuse except I was scared and confused." I looked up. "I'm sorry that I doubted you. I know you're a good person. I should've believed in you. I should've known better."
"Why? Why should you know better? You don't know me. Fucking someone doesn't mean you know them."
I flinched at the hard words in the harsher tone. I sucked in a deep breath as I prepared to tell him the truth. What I wanted to do was leave. I’d made my apology. But I needed to tell him everything, even if he rejected me. "I should've known better because I love you."
One brow arched. "I'm not sure you know what love is."
"I know what I feel, Alex," I said on a frustrated breath. "And I know it won't matter to you. I know that you are a bachelor for life. I know the idea of a wife and family is repulsive to you."
This time, his brows drew together quizzically.
"I overheard you telling my father that he was being mean to suggest that you settle down." I could feel myself getting agitated, so I took a moment to settle my nerves. "The point is, I understand where things between us stand, but I wanted you to know that before this all happened, I’d fallen for you. I love you and I betrayed you, and for that I’m very sorry.”
He watched me for a moment. "Okay."
I closed my eyes because I wanted more. I'd wanted him to forgive me, but even without that, it would be nice if he said something more than just okay. I couldn’t read his expression. Did it matter at all that I loved him?
I swallowed as I prepared to give him the last bit of news. “Okay. Well... there’s one more thing, and I’m only telling you this because you should know. You have a right to know.”
His expression remained unchanged.