Page 92 of Mile High Baby
Fuck, was there anyone who didn’t know about me and Victoria? I nodded. “Are you here to fire me?”
His brows bunched. “Fire? Hell no. If that was happening, that would be Archer’s job, not mine. No, I’m here to make a proposition.”
“I know you’re going to need some time to recover, but when you do, what would you say to taking over the New York office and I could take over London?”
He ran his hand through his hair. “I could use a break from this place. I was thinking that with your woman—”
“She’s not my woman.”
I love you.
I’m pregnant.
“Well, maybe you’d like a change too.”
If I had a future with Victoria, I’d jump on this in a moment. But now, all I wanted was to go home and try to put all this behind me.
“I don’t know.”
“Listen. You don’t have to decide now. You’ve got another four to six weeks of recovery. Plenty of time. Until then, I’ve got to get a report from you for Archer. Are you up to it?”
I nodded and then spent the next two hours recounting my ordeal with Pitney.
“Think about the switch,” Elliott said as he left after taking my report.
I saluted him, even though I knew the answer would be no.
Exhausted, I slept until I heard another commotion outside my room. Had Victoria decided to try again?
The door burst open, and Henry barged in. “You’re not going to die until I’ve told you what a fucking pervert you are.”
“You can’t be in here—”
God, I didn’t need this now, and yet I knew I owed it to him to let him kick my ass. “It’s okay,” I said to the Saint Security guard. I wasn’t sure why I had a guard when the one I had wasn’t that good if Henry got past. “I’m sorry I didn’t die.”
“Fuck you, Alex. I didn’t say I wanted you dead. I said you couldn’t die until I gave you a piece of my mind.” His eyes scanned me. “Jesus, you look like shit.”
“You’ll be glad to know that Pitney did a solid job at kicking my ass.”
He shook his head and threw up his hands. “Why? You fucked my daughter. Why would you do that?”
I guess Victoria told the truth in that she hadn’t told him yet about the baby. I scraped my good hand over my face. “I didn’t know she was your daughter.”
“She sat next to me on the plane and...” And, well, Henry didn’t need to hear those details. “When I did learn who she was, I felt sick.”
“Right, because it’s fucking perverted. And yet you didn’t stop.”
“I tried.” God, I was tired.
“But you let your dick lead you into debauchery—”
“It wasn’t like that, Henry. She’s not like the others.”