Page 3 of There I Find Love
He slid his phone off before she could turn him down. Hopefully, she would come through with directions for him. If she didn’t... He picked up his phone and Googled “Strawberry Festival in Strawberry Sands.” He could find her himself.
Chapter 2
“Iwasn’t expectingthis many people,” Kristen said as she popped the rest of the strawberry tart into her mouth.
“I wasn’t either. I admit I’m glad that there is a huge crowd, and I can’t believe the number of paintings I sold.” Clara held up the tart she had in her fingers. “Although in a way, I wish there were less people, because Griff sold out of these.”
“That’s sad,” Kristin agreed, and they exchanged dreary looks.
But then Clara’s face brightened. “But we live in Strawberry Sands, and so does Griff. Surely he’ll be making these for the diner at some point.”
“I’m sure he will be. But I already go to the diner way more than I should, and I’ve already gained ten pounds this summer. I wish he could make something that wasn’t delicious.”
“He does seem to have a knack for coming up with things that I feel like I can’t get enough of. Do you think he has some kind of secret ingredient?” Clara wasn’t really into conspiracy theories, but she was feeling light and happy and excited. Although, the conspiracy theory idea was totally to get her mind off the fact that her boss was on his way to Strawberry Sands.
“It’s possible. MSG is a standard ingredient in Chinese food, and everybody knows how addicting that is.”
They laughed together as they stood on the sidewalk beside Clara’s painting booth.
There were at least five people perusing the artwork she had left, and she could hardly believe that she had sold more than thirty paintings that day.
“The funny thing is,” she lowered her voice, glancing at the casual customers, “I almost didn’t do this at all. It’s only because Jubilee talked me into it. And even then, I was just going to bring a few paintings and prepare to be bored all day.”
Kristin laughed. “I think Strawberry Sands is growing. I’ve heard rumors about land values, and I think this is case in point. We didn’t even advertise it that much.”
“Jubilee told me that she didn’t even know who was going to be performing until this week.”
“I know! What town does their festivals like that? And yet, people came.”
It was rare that Kristin managed to have a few moments away from her gram. Kristen was running what was essentially an assisted living facility since her gram and her gram’s two friends moved in.
Clara had always enjoyed Kristin’s sense of humor and her down-to-earth personality. And while Clara spent a lot of time in Chicago for her job, she still cherished the time she spent with her childhood friend.
“I’ve heard Luke complaining that Miss Heather is trying to get you two together.” Maybe she shouldn’t have brought it up, but she always told her brother to stuff it and try to imagine himself in Kristin’s shoes, but it never really worked.
“You know, even before my grandma came, Luke and I never really got along.”