Page 47 of There I Find Love
Becky nodded. She supposed in her own way, she prayed about it some. But it was hard to believe in a God who allowed her to be separated from the only family she had.
God, if You get my sister and I back together so that we live under the same roof, I might just start believing in You again.
Chapter 17
“It’s strange to seeyou here on a Monday,” Kristin said as Clara walked down the sidewalk early Monday morning. The sun wasn’t quite up, but Kristin was already out walking three little dogs on leashes.
Clara smiled at the antics of the little animals. She was pretty sure one of the dogs belonged to Miss Heather. The others probably belonged to Miss Heather’s friends. Funny that Kristen was the one walking them.
“Well, actually, my schedule shifted.”
“Really? You mean you quit your job?” Kristin smiled. “You’ve been thinking about that for a while.”
“Well, that’s not exactly what happened.” They walked slowly along the sidewalk, until it ended at the sand dunes, and then they continued on toward the beach. “My boss decided that he wanted to move his headquarters to Strawberry Sands, and he bought the schoolhouse last week.”
“He bought the schoolhouse? I didn’t even hear about that? How... That was fast.”
“Yeah. I don’t know whether where he’s from has anything to do with it or not, but he has the connections to make things happen.” Clara still couldn’t believe that it had actually gone through. The moving trucks were coming the next day, so... “I have today off. He has to get a hold of some contractors, but he’s going to do a lot of the interior renovations himself.”
“Your big-city Chicago boss is going to do the renovations himself?”
Clara laughed at the incredulity in Kristin’s tone.
“I know, right? Who would have thought. But... He’s changed in just the last week or so.” Clara didn’t know whether she could go into all the things that had factored into his change. She wasn’t sure herself that she believed it was a permanent thing. A lot of times, people tried something new, found it didn’t work for them, and went back to what they were doing before.
She had thought that that might be what was going to happen with Alex. Except Alex wasn’t the kind of man who started on a path and didn’t finish what he started. He certainly couldn’t have been as successful as what he was if that were the kind of thing that he did.
“That’s a pretty big change. He’s moving from Chicago to Strawberry Sands and fixing up an old abandoned schoolhouse to turn into his office? Did he fall and hit his head? Have a cancer diagnosis? Survive an earthquake?”
Clara laughed. “It is pretty unbelievable, isn’t it?”
“Never mind. He fell in love, didn’t he?” Kristin’s tone was softer; although there was a little bit of teasing there, there was a lot of hope and happiness too.
“No. I don’t think so. Not with me anyway.” If that’s what she was trying to say.
“Well, kinda sounds like he has. Either that or he had a come-to-Jesus moment.”