Page 57 of There I Find Love
“When you’re old enough to be looking for a guy, you do want to find one who works hard. You don’t want to be married to someone who would rather play than work or complains about working. Can you imagine being married to someone who complains about his job for the rest of your life?” She couldn’t imagine that.
“I guess it’s no fun when someone else complains, although it always feels good to complain yourself.”
“Pretty wise statement for a young kid. It took me a long time to figure that out.”
“People say I’m smart for my age.”
Clara figured that was because she’d had to grow up faster than a kid should, but Becky seemed to have a level head on her shoulders, and if they were able to get her into a home that would love her and help her, maybe she’d be given what she needed in order to grow into a healthy adult.
“I know people have been talking about homes for you, and I just want you to know that if you want to stay with me, I’d be happy to have you—I’d love it, in fact.”
Becky smiled and nodded, but she continued down the stone sidewalk and didn’t say anything. It left Clara with the idea that either she was still thinking about it, or she had someone else in mind.
“Clara!” The sound of Miss Heather’s voice jerked Clara out of her thoughts.
She looked over to see Miss Heather, Kristin’s gram, standing on the porch of Kristin’s house.
“And that must be Becky. We’ve been waiting on you for the last hour and a half. You need to come in here right away. We are going to make cookies today. Although, first, we’re going to go get your little sister. I’ve decided I’m going to march right up that street, and I’m going to insist that she get to come down here and spend the day with you!”
Miss Heather’s hands were on her hips, although Becky figured that if the old lady was going to march anywhere, it would have been fifty years ago. She didn’t look capable of any type of marching whatsoever, unless she did it with her walker.
Which didn’t make her threat any less true.
And from the way Becky had perked up at the idea of seeing her sister, Clara figured that was the best thing that could happen to her today.
Kristen came out on the porch, followed by the two ladies that lived with them.
“I think you’re going to have a good day,” Clara said, putting her arm around Becky. Becky didn’t hesitate but leaned into her.
“Thanks for letting me stay with you,” Becky said, looking up at Clara. “I want to stay in Strawberry Sands. I want to be near my sister. I guess I don’t even care who I live with, as long as I’m close to her.”
Clara nodded. “I think the whole town is behind you. And we’re working to do everything we can to make sure that you and your sister aren’t separated. And if we can get you in the same household, that would be even better.”
Her words made Becky smile, which made Clara’s heart happy. She knew she would do everything she could, even upending her life by adopting a child, or two children, if that’s what was necessary. Although, she had a feeling she was going to have to fight the rest of the residents, because everyone seemed to have fallen in love with Becky. And they seemed to have gotten on board with her desire to be with her sister. It was something that pretty much everyone could understand.
“She’s not kidding. You’re gonna have a great day,” Clara said to Becky as Kristin came down the steps to greet them.
“We’ve been looking forward to it. In case you haven’t noticed, my grandma’s pretty excited.” Kristin smiled at Becky and walked right up to her, putting her arms around her and giving her a hug.
She stepped back a little and said in a softer voice only Becky and Clara could hear, “And if you could convince her to stop chasing men away from me by trying to grab every man in sight and shove him in my face, that would be super helpful as well. I’d like to get married sometime in the next decade.”
Kristin rolled her eyes while Becky laughed, enjoying the idea that she was involved in a conspiracy.
Clara laughed, but she still felt bad for Kristin. Her grandma seemed to be the surest way that anyone had ever had of staying single for eternity.
“I’ll be working today, but if you need me, my boss is a pretty great person, and I can probably come anytime.”
“My grandma has her eye on your boss,” Kristin said with an eye roll.
Clara wanted to immediately say her boss was not available, but actually, Alex and Kristin would make a great couple. Especially with all the changes that Alex was making.
However, after their long chat in his office, she was feeling like...maybe he really would be taken. By her.
“All right. You guys have a great day,” Clara said as she gave Becky another hug, which Becky returned, waved to the ladies on the porch, and continued walking down the street. She’d walk along the beach and go up the hill until she got to the school. It was a walk she’d taken all the time when she was a kid on her way to school. Up until she had to get on the big yellow bus and be driven to Blueberry Beach for high school.
She always looked forward to going to school, and she had to admit, today she was looking forward to work. And not just because she loved her job. Actually, she didn’t even know what she was going to be doing today. Possibly demolition work.
The thing she was looking forward to was seeing Alex.