Page 31 of Wrath's Call
“Exactly.” Asmodeus dropped his feet off his desk and leaned forward, elbows resting as he cracked each knuckle meticulously, a noisy habit he had when he was tense.
“So, if this is a direct copy of Hell’s, what is that one?” I asked as I motioned at the one on the desk.
“A replica of Heaven’s copy I had... liberated.” I arched an eyebrow, and he shrugged. “It’s been in storage.”
“What does Lucifer think of this?”
Asmodeus hummed, studying his hands before quietly responding, “He doesn’t know.”
“Why not?”
His turn to shrug. Gods but I hated it when the old fool turned my own mannerisms back at me. If looks could truly maim, he would have looked more like a Freddy Krueger victim than a King of the Deadly Sins.
“I’ve had Jarrico looking into it for me for some time. But until last night, everything turned to a dead end. Thanks to you, I may have some hope of resolution yet.”
I narrowed my eyes on him. “Tracking my movements again, old man?”
“Son, you are always being watched. It’s high time you came to terms with that.” He focused his gaze on me, the swirling vortex of rich oceanic blue simultaneously giving nothing and everything away at once. The depth of his power flowed through his eyes, so much so that the edges of his irises lined with a thin black line strained against his power's glowing ebb and flow. He was no longer simply a vessel for his demon, but rather, he and his demon were entirely one, and at that moment, the edge of his demonic presence could be seen, daring to release itself upon the room.
“I need more than what could be a fabricated document to take to Lucifer. His pride will not be able to overlook the grave personal insult that would come if his own records were being altered.” I knew this as well. If Lucifer was made aware of this too soon, he may go straight to Heaven and start an all-out war. It was one thing to have a collection of spies in the courts - everyone did - but it was another to tamper with official records. “Before we take this to him, we need to know what happened to those souls and why they aren’t showing on our records.”
“I’ll look into it.” I asserted, going to stand. I felt a sudden clawing urge to return to the Academy, my demon near deranged in his need to go back to my Thief. If my suspicions were correct, last night’s husk was just the most recent of these victims to be found, which meant that I could no longer guarantee my Thief’s safety within the walls of her home.
“Marik,” I paused, and turned my annoyed glare back on the demon I called a grandsire. “It shouldn’t need to be said that this is of the utmost discretion.” I gave him a curt nod as Jarrico appeared at my side again.
“And son, your grandmother wanted me to give this to you.” Asmodeus tossed me a small black coin, no bigger than a standard American quarter. The metal was cold to the touch, even as it absorbed the heat from my skin. “She said it might come in handy.”
Chapter Thirteen - Best Laid Plans
I placed the mug of pale brown coffee on my desk and leaned against it, pulling the threadbare navy-blue robe that hung only to mid-thigh tighter around myself. The late morning sunlight streamed in through the partially opened window, melting into a shimmering kaleidoscope of yellow and orange that danced across the pale gray walls. The cool mountain air and sounds of the forests below were a welcomed reprieve from the ragged sounds of footsteps pounding the floors outside my door. The annoying sounds had carried on all morning, so much so that even if I hadwantedto follow the bastard’s ridiculous order to sleep, it wouldn’t have been possible.
Ness had been gone when I snuck back to our apartment and hadn’t returned despite it being close to noon. I waited a few more minutes and relaxed when the clattering of footsteps up and down the hall slowed, giving way to the familiar clicking of stiletto heels on the polished tiles. The heels approached my door, but loud staccato knocking rang out instead of the normal answering creak signaling Ness’ arrival.
I ran a damp towel through my hair once more and quickly tossed it into the hamper before I leaned into the peephole in the door. I sighed as the familiar face of the seer and healer trainee Renee assaulted me. I leaned my head against the door in irritation, as I knew whatever she was here for was not in my best interest.
“Open up, Aeryn,” she called through the door. “I know you’re there.”
I backed up, not bothering to try to hide my displeasure at her arrival. “What do you want?” I said, opening up the door as Renee cocked a model-worthy hip and rolled her exquisite green eyes lined with impeccably perfect sweeps of black eyeliner.
“Believe me when I saywantis more than a bit of a stretch.” Her too-perfect lyrical voice grated on my nerves as she tossed her long raven locks back over one shoulder. “Sister Elenna wanted me to tell all the healers to be ready for anything this afternoon.”
“Cool.” I went to shut my door in her face, but she stuck out one cream-colored stiletto to block it, raising a perfectly manicured brow at me.
“I wasn’t finished.”
“Well, I was.” I tapped her foot harshly with my own, trying to move it out of the way.
“Whenwillyou grow up?” She snapped, her lip curling in disgust.
I looked up and pinched my chin. “Good question.” I tapped my foot over exaggeratedly as I pretended to deliberate. “I guess it’ll be when you finally remember to take yourself out to the trash on Thursday night.”
“Bitch!” she snarled, and I actually grinned, even more so when I spotted my favorite redhead at the end of the hall, her face pressed dreamily into the steam rising from her entirely black cup of coffee.
Ness didn’t even look up as she pushed her way past Renee, who sucked at her teeth in utter disgust. Before she could say anything, Ness raised one finger to halt her.
“Look, I don’t have the energy today to pretend I like you.”