Page 41 of Wrath's Call
Leaving behind the topic for now I called to my second.Felix?
She’s with her dogs. He replied.And you owe me a new suit.
Chapter Seventeen - Between a Shifter and Hard Place
The heavy waxing moon hung over the treetops above Sabina’s home, casting a myriad of shadows across her property. Despite the late hour, brightgolden rabbitbrush still shone amongst a collective of wild rose bushes and a scattering of pink tassel flower.
Sabina rolled in the grasses before me, her playful demeanor a sharp juxtaposition to the other wolf that lounged nearby. Ryan, Zane’s beta, appeared quiet and calm, but was always on careful watch, especially when Sabina was shifted. This felt normal - something I needed at that moment. I had come here to seek the refuge and comfort I craved, and to let my mind breathe away from prying eyes and high tensions at the keep.
Although I was loathed to admit it - the events of this evening had terrified me. Even the joy of Ness’ survival became overshadowed with thoughts of breeding camps and a life of slavery for a sin I had not committed. I didn’t know how Acton had died, but the last time I had seen him he had been breathing with no further signs of distress. And no matter what Corbin inferred, I had not left a single drop of venom in him.
Zane appeared shortly after I arrived, his giant black paws tipped with sturdy claws pawing at the gravel driveway. He was just as awe inspiring in this form as he was human, with dark raven fur covering every inch save for a small patch of dark silver covering his chest. The Ravenwings gained their pack name through the rare ebony color they all had, save for an odd patch of silver, brown or gold somewhere on their frames.
He approached my gingerly, rubbing his head into my side until I lifted an arm allowing him to nuzzle beneath it. His long pink tongue snaked out to lick the palm I ran over his muzzle, before flopping down on the ground beside me in a huff. I laughed and collapsed on top of him, wrapping my arms around his monstrous form before he stood back up, lifting me with him as he went. It was his way of showing me he wanted me to get on, but instead I let go slipping off and back onto my own two feet. He dropped his head and sniffed me, before deciding to return to his sister’s cabin.
Zane emerged a few minutes later, having taken his shift slowly as he would still be sore from romping with the new pack pups. He wore only a pair of stonewash jeans, free of his usual oil and grime, low on his well-defined hips. Usually, I would find the chiseled features and the scars mattering his chest a welcome reprieve from my thoughts. But I couldn’t help but find myself comparing his features to that of Mr. Coppertone, who’s equally impressive physique and bright copper eyes held me entranced even when absorbed only in my head.
Gods but I was in trouble.
Zane raised an inquisitive brow, finding my vacant expression amusing. I shook my head to dispel the image of piercing eyes that heated the skin across the back of my neck and a small but defined V formed between Zane’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his steps remarkably light despite his massive size. I collapsed into his arms despite the illicit feeling of less familiar eyes watching me from a distance.
I explained quickly what had happened, the grief and emotions of the day washing through me in sickening waves. Even though Ness had survived., the pain of nearly losing her still consumed me, a weight pressing down on my chest at the very thought. All the while Zane stroked my back, his arms tightening as Sabina and Ryan approached. Sabina nudged me, her great black body curling about me like a house cat’s. She would never appreciate that comparison, but hey, not my fault she might as well have been purring.
“Sweetheart, it’s time for you to go.” he said softly into my hair, squeezing me tighter as I pressed into him. He only used this endearment when I was troubled, its weight was not lost on me.
“But I just got here,” I said, stepping back from him.
He shook his head. “No, not that. It’s time for you togo.” He emphasized the last word and I caught on immediately.
“I can’t leave Ness,” I said, which was only half the reason I couldn’t bring myself to leave.
“Ness always knew there was a possibility you two would have to split up,” Zane pressed. “She’s prepared for it and would want you to go.”
“And draw all seven guilds down on me for abandoning a selection? Maybe they would have ignored me when I was just a healer, but now I’m the candidate suspected of murder. There is no way they wouldn’t work to hunt me down now.” I nibbled at the tip of my pinky in consternation. “Kingston has well and truly fucked me, without even the courtesy of a box of chocolate first.”
Not that I was much of a box of chocolates kind of girl anyways - my idea of romance would be a bag of sour patch kids and a Tim Hortons double-double.
Ugh. Romance and Ambassador Kingston. Gross.
Sabina huffed, well used to the crude workings of my mind. Zane ignored me, as per usual.
“So, we’ll hide you amongst the shifters.” Zane said emphatically. “It’s always been something I’ve considered. The courtesy of shifters and casters only goes so far. I have a pack in Nam who owe me a favor. With your money you could settle in nicely and try to live a good life. You’d have enough to get started, and Gods Ryn -” He paused to tug at the hair at the back of his neck. “-the casters would never get to you there. I vow it.”
Vows were not something any Fae created creature took lightly. But even so, I had to refuse.
I shook my head adamantly. “I can’t do that, Zane. I wouldn’t even get to Vancouver without being tracked down.”
“Then I’ll take you south. I can help you run Little Cherub. It’s time. You have the money; you’ve done the work. Now let’s get you out of here.”
“I can’t yet, not until I know Ness is going to be okay.” I said earnestly, meaning it. No matter my growing connection to Marik, Ness was my ride or die. My only real family. “Keep holding onto my money though - I may still take you up on that later.”
“What?” Zane asked, his confusion evident. “Your money?”
“Ya, in my shoebox,” I said, wariness threatening to break the only lifeline to hope I had. “I left it in the truck.”