Page 25 of Escape from Amazdom
"I'll be back," I promise, trying to reassure both of us. "I won't be long."
"Okay, good luck."
Another scream kicks me into action, and I pace away, hoping the guards don't spot me as I flee my Champ, my lover, my hot sexy monster.
Chapter 10
For some reason, no guards are lurking in the corridors, so I pace quickly back to my quarters. I push aside the empty feeling of being away from Champ and hurry on, desperately hoping Liz is safe. But when another scream echoes through the tunnel, my mind fills with worry. I fear I might be too late to save her.
I approach the end, and my heart sinks at the horrid sight. Liz is tied to a metal pole sticking out of the volcanic ground. Vultures are descending from the sky, heading straight for her.
"No!" I scream as I sprint to my friend, not even thinking about the consequences.
Liz spots me, and her eyes fill with dread.
"Stella, get back, it's too dangerous."
"I don't care. I'm not letting those flying beasts take you."
"You don't have a choice," a male voice sneers, followed by a thump to my side. I fall to the floor and turn to see Tebos standing before me, smirking as he growls down. "Good of you to finally turn up. Guards, take her."
I go to scramble away, but three Zebos guards pounce on me and drag me back towards the tunnel. I kick and squirm, but it's useless; I can't break away from their alien strength.
Liz screams louder as the vultures swoop down. Tears roll down my cheek. I can't bear to see her suffer. It is all my fault. If I hadn't disappeared off with Champ, I'd have been around to stop the guards taking her. I search my mind for a plan, but I feel helpless.
The vulture's massive wings beat with a haunting rhythm, creating a chilling gust of wind that ruffles my hair as I watch in horror.
"Let's watch her run," Tebos says, nodding a guard towards Liz.
"What do you want me to do?" he asks.
"Set her free and watch her run to her doom."
"No, don't do it," I cry. "What the fuck has she done wrong?"
"It's not only her to blame," says Tebos, sneering at me.
I go to speak, but my guilty conscience stops me. Does that mean Tebos knows I broke into Champ's cage, and he's punishing Liz for my pleasure?
"What's up? Monster got your tongue?"
I try to leap forwards and rip out his eyes, but the guards hold me tighter.
"Just sit back and watch nature take its course," says Tebos, chuckling as he clicks his fingers and nods towards Liz.
I watch in fear as the guard paces over and slashes away the ties. Liz looks at me, her eyes filled with sorrow, and turns and runs.
"No, Liz, don't run!" I plead, but she keeps going.
The vultures immediately swoop down and clamp onto Liz, their skeletal claws digging into her skin. She lets out a piercing scream that echoes through the desolate landscape. I can't bear the sight or the sounds that follow - their eerie screeches of triumph as they carry her away towards Fej's tower.
Tebos grins as he looks me up and down as if he knows I did a dirty deed. What if he found out about the keycard? It seems impossible, but I can't ignore the timing. Fear and doubt consume me, making it hard to think straight.
"Take her back to her quarters, but lock her in. We don't want her taking any more risks, do we?" Tebos orders as he paces away.