Page 27 of Escape from Amazdom
"Woah there, big guy," he says, holding his hands up. "Did I touch a nerve?"
My blood boils with rage. The thought of Fej doing anything to Stella pierces my heart. I have to get out of here. I have to protect her.
"I won't let you lay a finger on her," I growl, squeezing my paws into balls of fury. "You hear me?"
Tebos smirks, taunting me.
"Bit late." He wiggles his eyebrows as he runs his fingers under his nose and sniffs loudly. "I'm not the only one, either. Fej has already dipped his fingers in the human well. Now he wants me to take you so you can watch him fucking her."
My muscles tense, and my back grows longer. I glance at the cage. It's slightly bent. Maybe I can break out of here, especially with my newfound strength.
"No chance," I growl.
I fling my hands forwards, gripping the bars with all my force. I yank backwards, roar and shake with all my might. The cage begins to move. The guards back away, stunned I'm making an impact.
"The hell are you playing at, Champ?" says Tebos. "You can't break free, you stupid ball of fluff."
I tug hard, and the cage door jolts out of place. Hope surges within me as the bars bend further.
"You were saying?" I say, smirking as I pull harder.
"Stop him," shouts Tebos.
"No chance," I growl, stretching the bars until the door snaps open.
"Run," cries one guard, turning to flee. Two others run as I step from the cage and pound my chest.
"Get back here, you pussies and take him out," shouts Tebos. But I can tell by the fear in his eyes that he's just as petrified.
"You're the only pussy around here." I flick out my paw and knock him down.
Other monsters growl and clap as I stand tall, towering over Tebos, and a wave of relief crashes over my shoulders.
Now is my chance to get out of here. I go to kick Tebos out the way, but he spins around and aims a gun at me. I freeze, trying to work out what type he's holding.
"Gotcha," he says, pulling the trigger. A dart pings out and lodges in my neck.
"Fuck," I cry, reaching up to pull out the dart, but it's too late.
My vision blurs as I fight against the effects of whatever Tebos has injected me with. The world around me spins, and my body gives in to the darkness, the taste of defeat and frustration lingering on my tongue.
As I slip into unconsciousness, my last thoughts are of Stella. I won't let them break me. I won't let them keep us apart. I'll find a way to escape, to protect her and the others. No matter what Fej has planned, I'll fight with every ounce of strength to break free from this torment and be with her again.
Chapter 12
I wake up to another day in this wretched place, consumed by worry for Liz and pining for my Champ (and overly large parts of his monstrous body).
I wish I could delve deeper into naughty fantasies with my newfound furry friend, but I can't get rid of the images of those blasted vultures sweeping down and snatching Liz. Guilt gnaws at my heart as I think about how she first helped me sneak into Champ's cage with those magical beads. I still have to repay her the favor, and I plan to do so.
Thank God I still have this keycard hidden in my body suit. The bastard Zebos guards almost touched it when they were feeling me up, but I managed to slip it into an unreachable zone.
I've been waiting for the perfect moment to sneak back to Champ's cage and set him free so we can rescue Liz together, but the guards have been on high alert, making it even harder to escape unnoticed.
Plus, I'm petrified of getting caught and fed to those ghastly birds.