Page 29 of Escape from Amazdom
Fuck it, how could I have been so stupid?
"What do you want?"
"If I had my way, I'd throw you into the lake and watch you get gobbled up, but since Fej is in charge and has taken a special interest in you, I'll take you to see him. Maybe you'll see your precious friend alive if she hasn't been fucked to death."
I shudder at what Fej has done to Liz and what he has planned for me, and my desperation to escape intensifies.
Tebos relishes in his apparent victory, gloating about his cleverness.
As they lead me away, I glance at the cage where Champ should be.
What have they done with him?
I won't give up; I won't let them break me. I'll find a way to outsmart them, escape, and protect Liz and Champ. No matter what they have in store for me, I'll fight with every ounce of strength to break free.
Chapter 13
I must be in a dream world, far removed from Planet Amazdom. Stella and I are lying under a sprawling tree, our notebooks spread around us.
"How would you like our story to end?" she says, nibbling on her pen as she gazes deep into my eyes. My heart lifts as I glance down at her bulging belly to see our child growing inside her.
"With us living happily ever after here on Planet Sefl," I say, shuffling closer to inhale her sweet scent. "You are all I need, all I want, and all I desire."
Her cheeks blush red as she raises a hand and strokes my smooth cheek. Wait, how is my cheek so soft? My balls tug as she runs her silky fingers down my neck and across my bare chest. I have no hair. I'm me again, not the monster that corrupt devil turned me into.
"Kiss me, you romantic fool," she says, tilting her head.
As she leans in, her lips parting to kiss me, my senses awaken abruptly as if I had just been plunged into icy water.
Reality crashes over me like a Tsunami of frozen slush, chilling my skin. My eyes ping open, and I find myself bound, paws suspended above my head.
The tower's cold stone walls close in on me, and Fej stands there, his wicked grin splitting his foul face. Tebos hovers nearby, flanked by the other guards. They share knowing glances, like old friends conspiring over some dark secret or sworn enemies awaiting a long-awaited showdown.
"Sorry about that, were you having a wet dream?" Fej's voice drips with sarcasm, his eyes glinting with evil amusement. "Perhaps it was a dirty dream filled with dirty thoughts about your dirty human whore."
I grit my teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response. I know his games and manipulations. I won't let him draw me into his twisted web.
He comes closer and stands tall. I glare into his eyes, emitting my hatred for him. I still can't believe what he did to me and what he's done to so many human women.
"You know," he continues, circling me like a predator, "I think I found something of interest to you. Something curvy, supple, and tongue waggingly tasty."
His laugh sends a shiver down my spine, but I ignore the fear brewing inside me. I maintain my composure, even though my heart races at the thought that Stella might be here. This must be one of Fej's cruel mind games.
Stella can't be here. She can't be in his clutches. If she is, and he's even laid a bony finger on her, I'll kill him. I guarantee it.
"I highly doubt that."
"Doubt?" he says, cackling. "How dare you doubt me." He kicks me in the side, causing me to wince. "The monster doubts his master, the master. Well, let's have a bet on it. I enjoy a good flutter with a beast now and then."
"Fuck off and die."
He stands closer, daring to push his face into mine. I could lunge forward and snap his nose off with my teeth, but I'll wait.
"How about a fight, man to beast, winner takes all?"