Page 51 of Mad Jack (Men of Action)
“I’d love to hear about it—when you’re ready to tell me.”
Relief crosses her features and she gives me a small smile. “Do you like Mexican?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“I’m taking advantage of having a fully stocked kitchen. Tonight, I’m making carnitas. Would you like to join me?”
“Your carnitas as good as your potatoes and mac and cheese?”
“Better.” Her grin widens.
“You gonna let me take you out on Wednesday night?”
“I can do that.”
“What time do you get out of here?”
“I’m closing at six.”
“I’ll meet you at the townhome.”
Her eyes brighten. “Looking forward to it.”
“Baby, come here.”
She makes her way over slowly, holding my gaze. “You know when you walk out of here, the vultures will swarm.”
I circle her waist, pulling her close. “Want me to stay and protect you?”
“I can handle them.”
“Are they going to bust in here when I kiss you again?”
Her lip curls to one side. Without hesitation, she goes up on her toes, bringing her mouth to mine. “Only one way to find out.”
I expected the surprise and even the pregnant pause, but the silence is scrutinizing.
“Mom, say something.”
The sound of typing clicks through the line.
“Give me a minute.”
“It’s been a minute.”
“My darling daughter, who texts her mother every day with the same mundane details, just dropped information overload. It’s a lot to process.”
“My life isn’t that mundane.”
“Honey, you wake up and go to the salon from open to close six days a week. Then you go upstairs, eat a frozen dinner, and go back to work through the wee hours of the morning.”
She’s right, but it still sucks to hear how lame it is.