Page 11 of Perfect Fling
“Who are you?” the man in the white lab coat asked.
“It’s okay.” Erin spoke in a shaky voice. She glanced at the doctor, her hazel eyes dull with pain. “Can you give us a few minutes?”
“Of course.” The physician stepped out.
And Cole forced himself to take the other man’s place by Erin’s bedside. He took in her ashen skin and the petrified look on her face and decided immediately the pregnancy discussion could wait.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I’m okay.”
“Liar.” He chuckled even as he admired her strength. “Now, how are you really feeling?”
“It hurts like hell.” She bit down on her lower lip and sucked in a shallow breath. Tears shimmered in her pretty eyes, and he felt her pain deep in his gut.
“I know.” He put a hand on her uninjured shoulder. To his relief, she didn’t flinch or pull away.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“I was with your brother when he got word of shots in the parking lot. We ran outside, I heard it was you...” He shrugged. “And here I am.”
He wondered exactly what he was confessing with the admission. His emotions were in turmoil and obviously they were about to be tossed around even more. “Erin—”
“Cole—” she said at the same time.
“Were you going to tell me?” Or was she too humiliated by the thought of being pregnant withhischild?
He wouldn’t blame her, but that didn’t change the fact that the baby she was carrying was his responsibility.
Oh, man. Baby. Responsibility. Jesus.
“I was trying to find the right time. And the right words.” Her cheeks turned pink. She still hadn’t met his gaze, but now she looked him in the eye. “You don’t question the fact that it’s yours?”
He cocked an eyebrow, surprised. “I question a hell of a lot of things in life, but this? No.”
Her lips turned down in a frown. “Because I’m such a good, sweet girl, huh?”
No, because he knew through the grapevine she hadn’t been seeing anyone lately. He’d have expected her to be relieved he wasn’t going to argue paternity. Instead, she’d sounded more annoyed by her reputation.
He shook his head, telling himself this was no time to be amused or find her reactions cute. “If it helps, you weren’t such a good girl that night,” he said, memories and heat swamping him.
She managed a laugh, which had been his intent. Now for the harder stuff. “About the baby—”
“I’m keeping it.” She attempted to fold her arms across her chest but groaned in pain, tears finally leaking from the corners of her eyes.
His heart clenched in his chest. “Stay still, dammit.” He curled his fingers into fists, feeling useless and unable to help her.
“Don’t yell at me!”
“Then don’t assume I’d ask you to get rid of my kid!” he barked right back.
They glared at each other, and Cole realized they’d just had their first major disagreement... while still managing to come down on the same side.
“What the fuck did I just hear?” Mike asked, shoving through the closed curtain, his glare bouncing between Cole and Erin.
One look ather brother’s horrified expression, and Erin shrank lower in the bed. What a nightmare, and she wasn’t talking about being shot. Shot! In her sleepy hometown, in the police station parking lot, of all places.