Page 32 of Perfect Fling
“Oh God. I can’t afford to miss more time.”
“More?” Cole turned to face her.
“She had morning sickness but thought it was a stomach bug. But it figures you wouldn’t know anything about that, considering you were nowhere to be found.” Mike eyed him with a healthy amount of disgust.
“Can you just lay off?” Erin said to her brother. “I can’t deal with this right now. Give me a phone. By the time we’re finished here, I won’t have time to go in to work before my appointment.”
“What appointment?” Cole asked. They hadn’t yet discussed her schedule for the day.
“I have a doctor’s appointment at noon.”
“Is something wrong?” he asked, concerned.
She shook her head. “Regular monthly appointment. Every pregnant woman has them.”
He nodded. They could discuss this further later. He handed her the portable receiver lying on the table.
While she dialed and called in sick, Mike’s furious gaze didn’t leave Cole’s. Ah, well. He knew better than to think the Marsden brothers would give him any kind of pass on the situation with Erin. He didn’t have a sister, but he imagined he’d react the same way, so he let it go.
He wasn’t too thrilled with himself at the moment. He hadn’t known Erin missed any work because of the pregnancy, hadn’t thought about what she’d gone through the first three months alone. He closed his eyes and fought for calm.
“Let’s discuss what we know,” Mike said, drawing his attention back to what was important. “First a shooting, then a warning.”
“That’s de-escalation,” Cole said. “Normally the warning would come first.”
Mike nodded. “Unless... maybe the softball through the window was a warning.”
“Possibly, but that doesn’t explain going from shooting to another warning.”
Erin’s gaze traveled between them. She was listening. Processing but not participating—and that concerned Cole. In the short time he’d known her, he wasn’t used to her being a bystander in her own life.
“Shell casings left at the site, leaving roadkill in a condo neighborhood. Both of these things seem like they were done by amateurs,” Mike continued.
“Cole, you referred to the person who left the—present—as female before. Why?” Erin asked.
And there she was, Cole thought with relief. Erin was speaking up, which meant she was okay.
“Because a man would have no compunction killing a cat or a dog to make his point. A female would have more trouble with it. A woman is more likely to use an already dead animal. It’s easier to justify to themselves.”
Erin pulled in a deep breath. “But what woman would scoop up roadkill herself?”
Cole could tell she was trying to control her breathing and gag reflex response to the dead animal she’d seen.
“She probably has an accomplice,” Mike said. “A male who would do that kind of dirty work.”
Erin nodded. “That makes sense, but who? Who would shoot me? Who would target me like this?” she asked, her voice rising.
Cole squeezed her ankle in reassurance that he was there. Not going anywhere while she was in any danger.
“Hey, you might want to see this,” Sam said, returning with a sealed plastic bag, a note inside.
Erin scrambled to a sitting position. “What is it?”
“A note. Handwritten.”
“What’s it say?” Mike asked.
“‘Leave him alone,’” Sam said.