Page 46 of Perfect Fling
“As deputy police chief, Jed was loyal and good to your father, and our friendship stemmed from there. We tried to tell him the damage he was doing in his private life, but he didn’t listen. To be honest, I was glad when Olivia took Cole and left Serendipity. But I didn’t realize how much he’d already hurt Cole by then.” Ella paused. “Does Jed know about the baby?”
Erin shook her head. “I’m sure Cole’s avoiding that conversation until the last possible moment. He doesn’t need to hear what a crappy father he’ll make from the man who still makes digs every chance he gets.”
Her mother’s face showed her disappointment. “I’ll have your father talk to him.”
“No. We should all mind our own business and let Cole deal with Jed. Speaking of fathers, I think Mike and Sam might be telling Dad everything.” Erin placed her hand over her belly.
“We’re not going to judge you, honey. Especially not me. That would be like the pot calling the kettle black. I just want to know if you’re happy.”
Erin looked into her mother’s wise eyes. “I was shocked. Now I’m scared. I’m excited too.” She drew a deep breath. “I’m on my way to being happy, but...”
“What is it?” her mother asked.
“Cole. I want to try to see if anything that’s between us can be real. So far it’s just pieces of a relationship that he’s unwilling to string together into something that makes sense. It’s like, I can feel how right we could be, and thenbam, it’s gone.” Erin’s chest squeezed tight.
“I’m sure he’s scared, just like you are.”
“I know. But it’s more than that. He’s alluded to the fact that someone like me deserves better. More than he can give. But nobody could treat me better than he does, and that’s without emotional commitment or involvement.”
“Oh, honey, you’re in love with him?” Ella asked.
Erin sniffed, her throat full. “I can’t know that yet, but I think I could be.” If he opened himself more. If he could accept that he was meant to share in life, not just live undercover. “But I’m afraid he’ll never give us a chance.”
Before Ella could finish, Mike strode into the room. “Sorry. I couldn’t help overhearing. I came to see if you were ready to join us yet.”
Erin shook her head, annoyed by the interruption. “In a few minutes.”
“Can I say something before I go?” Mike asked.
“Can I stop you?”
He settled into a chair next to her. “Umm... I might have overstepped and hurt the situation between you and Cole.”
Erin narrowed her gaze. “What did you do?”
“Michael?” Ella asked, her voice low.
“Back when you were shot? I confronted him at the hospital. I said a few things, and he took them to mean I thought he wasn’t good enough for you.”
“And you didn’t correct him?” Erin asked, her voice rising.
Mike shook his head. “I agreed with him”—he held up his hands—“but you have to understand I’d just found out you were pregnant. And you’d just been shot.” To his credit, her brother appeared embarrassed, but he sure hadn’t bothered to fix things either.
“It’s not like you’ve done anything to make him feel better about things since, so cut it with the puppy dog eyes. I’m not buying the whole contrite act.”
“Erin, Michael, stop. What’s done is done. But Michael, you of all people know what it’s like to doubt yourself. What were you thinking, talking to Cole that way?” Ella asked, sounding disappointed in her son.
“I’ve been worrying about Erin.”
Erin rose to her feet. “Well, if you care that much, you should have been listening to me the last few weeks when I asked you to ease up on Cole. This is my life, and whatever happens, it’s up to me.”
He exhaled hard. “I know. Cara said the same thing on the way over here.”
Erin knew how fragile Cole’s psyche was in general, thanks to Jed. Undercover work suited him, yes, but it also let him avoid reality and people who could love and care about him.
Erin had decided to make her move with Cole tonight, back home. After hearing what Mike had done, she decided any move she made had to be now.