Page 76 of Perfect Fling
Erin nodded, an idea slowly forming. “Then let’s give her what she wants.”
“What?” Cara touched Erin’s arm. “What are you talking about?”
Erin swallowed hard, hating her idea, as much as she thought it made perfect sense. “A public breakup. A loud, ugly public breakup where you make it clear we will never be a couple.”
Cole stared at her long and hard. “That won’t remove you as a threat to her. You’re still the mother of my child.”
Oh, Erin knew that all too well. One he wouldn’t or couldn’t commit to, and she wasn’t so sure the distinction mattered anymore.
“I know. I’m just thinking about the psychological profile of this woman. She’s clearly in a manic state. She wants a man who will take care of her, love her. A man who needs her. She’s going to respond to any opening she sees. By this point I’m sure she’s itching to talk to you face-to-face. So you’re going to make sure she thinks you’ll be happy to see her.”
Cole tipped his head. “How?”
Cara watched them both carefully, as if looking for hidden meaning in Erin’s words. Considering her sister-in-law knew just what had transpired between Erin and Cole, Erin didn’t blame her. But this plan really was intended to play into Victoria’s needs, not Erin’s insecurities—although in the end, Cole’s words would indeed slice open her heart.
“You’ll let me know, in public, that just because I’m having your baby, I shouldn’t expect us to be a family. But that you know firsthand a kid needs two loving parents, like your mother and Brody, so I’m free to find someone else. And you’ll do the same.”
Cole’s eyes darkened. “What the hell do you expect to accomplish with that?”
Cara blinked. “As warped as it sounds, that makes sense. She’ll know you’re open to being with someone else. That Erin’s no threat to her.”
Erin nodded. “I’ll move back home, and you’ll leave, taking all your things with you. When you’re on your own again, she’ll know you meant what you said. That gives her a chance to come to you.” Erin finished with what she thought was a flourish.
Inside, she was sick to her stomach. She might have known her time with Cole would come to an end, but she wasn’t ready now. And she had no desire to play this scene out in public. Still, it would give Cole a chance to arrest Victoria, once and for all.
Cole’s expression was as dark as she’d ever seen it. “If I go along with this, I want Cara taking over for me until Victoria’s caught. You have a full-time bodyguard or this doesn’t happen,” Cole said.
“Done.” Cara agreed immediately, not giving Erin a chance to argue. “I’ll take time off. I happen to have an in with the boss.” She smirked at that. “Not to mention that he’ll want his sister protected too.”
Cole silenced Erin’s complaints with a glare. “If you want to play things your way, you’ll give me this.”
She clenched her teeth, wanting to scream at his bossy tone. Still, he’d granted her a concession by giving in to her plan, and she knew it. So she remained silent.
“Good.” He folded his arms across his chest, his eyes still stormy.
Cara stepped between them. “So how about this for a plan? You stay here until Wednesday night. Then at Joe’s, you play out the breakup thing.” Her excitement grew as she described the plan. “I’ll be there for you, Erin, when you’reupset, and I’ll take you back here. Meanwhile, Cole will head on upstairs alone. If Victoria doesn’t come to Cole that night, we move you home in the morning and wait.”
Cole exhaled hard. “Yeah. Fine.”
“Erin?” Cara asked.
She tossed her hands in the air. “Fine. We wait till Wednesday.” What was two more days when all she’d been doing lately waswaiting.
She wanted her life back. So if she had to live through a public breakup with Cole and humiliate herself to achieve her goal, she’d do it.
Chapter Fifteen
Wednesday arrived toosoon. Cole hated what was about to go down, even if the idea, once he let himself accept it, was brilliant. Remaining in hiding and out of sight had kept Erin safe, but it did nothing to lure Victoria out. Tonight’s plan would. He didn’t blame Erin for wanting to reclaim her life, but he’d never approve of her making herself a target to do it.
Making himself one was another story.
But once theirshowended, Cole’s entire life would change. He’d go back to the solitary life he hadn’t wanted to leave in the first place. So how was it that now he’d rather live with a cool-to-him Erin than move back upstairs to his small apartment over Joe’s? He’d gotten used to more space and pleasant company. Sleeping with Erin’s warm body by his side—and damn, he missed that already.
Cole shook his head in disgust. Obviously ending their arrangement before he lost more of his mind made sense after all.
He’d just stepped into the kitchen, where Erin was eating yogurt mixed with granola, having reverted back to her old eating habits. He was still cooking, but she was eating her own food, and nothing he did or said would change her mind.