Page 23 of Cyrus
With a nod, Odette turned and went into the bathroom.
I stood there a long while, debating on whether or not to follow her and shower with her but thought better of it. She needed care. Not a horny biker trying to fuck her. That could come later. After all, we had all the time in the world.
* * *
I took my time in the shower to get my wits back. I’d give Cyrus one thing. He certainly knew what he was doing with regard to sex. Steve had been my first sexual partner. While I’d never orgasmed with him during sex, I’d experimented playing with myself using porn videos on my phone as a guide. I’d found some pleasure this way. But nothing like what had just happened.
As I thought about it while warm water cascaded over me, my knees trembled and I shivered. My pussy clenched, wanting to be filled. I ached with need even though I’d orgasmed not ten minutes before.
If there was anyone who knew better than to surrender to a man because he showed a physical interest, it was me. Yet, I found myself doing just that. I wanted what Cyrus was offering. Wanted to be his woman. His wife. I wasn’t sure about the whole not being able to leave thing, but that concern didn’t really seem important. If Cyrus kept me happy, if he took care of me like he’d been doing the last day, I knew I’d never want to leave.
Then there was my brother. That was the one thought that finally sobered me. Donovan was going to be furious. With this whole situation. Even though me and Cyrus had talked about him several times, when he found out where I was and why I was here, he was going to lose his mind. I might well get that spanking Cyrus threatened. Not only had I not told him I was in trouble, but I’d taken off on my own without telling him where I was going.
I didn’t live with my brother or anywhere near the Salvation’s Bane compound, but he always checked on me. Every single day. I’d been gone for two weeks. I answered his calls but always gave him some song and dance about where I was. He wasn’t nosy and all in my business, so as long as I answered my phone, he didn’t push. To say he wasn’t going to be happy with me was a vast understatement.
With a sigh, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel. I dried and dressed before brushing out my hair and exiting the bathroom. When I did, Cyrus stood from where he sat at the small table in his room. He had a plate of green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, and a pork chop waiting on me. His chin was up, but he looked uncomfortable.
“I wasn’t sure what you liked, but Stitches said this would be healthy for you.” Was he nervous about what he’d brought me to eat? I was beginning to realize Cyrus was doing his best to get this right. He was determined to get this right and wasn’t sure how to go about it. I could tell by how his normal confidence was absent. He seemed unsure of himself. He was born for the role of protector, but trying to be a nurturer. I thought it was adorable. Not that I’d ever tell him that. That would definitely get my ass spanked.
“Thank you. I’m sure it’s delicious.”
“Blaze made it. Said it wasn’t much, but it was quick. Said not to hold it against him.”
I smiled as I took a seat at the table. “Please thank him for his hard work.”
He nodded as I dug in.
Who’d have thought such a simple meal could be so freaking good? The corn and potatoes were rich and buttery, the pork chop tender and perfectly cooked, the flavor strong. The beans went perfectly with the combination, though I wasn’t overly fond of green beans. It all was so delicious I couldn’t seem to stop eating. Before I knew it, I’d cleaned my plate and glanced around for more. I hadn’t even noticed the glass of milk sitting beside my plate. The second I did, I drank it down.
I realized I probably looked like a crazy person, wolfing down my food like I was starved. When I looked over at Cyrus, he was grinning from ear to ear. It was a strange but good look on him. One I hoped to see on him often because of something I’d done to put it there.
Was this love? I didn’t know. My parents had died three years ago in a boating accident. It was part of the reason I’d tried to sneak into the Bane compound with that prospect two years before. It was a rebellion of sorts. A need to be noticed. A cry for attention. I missed them both terribly. It was an aching wound I was sure would never heal. I wanted to fill that void with someone else. The prospect hadn’t been that person, but I thought Cyrus might be.
No. That wasn’t true. He wasn’t a substitute for what I’d lost. It was why I questioned my feelings for him now. No. What I was starting to feel for Cyrus was vastly different. At least, I thought it was. It was hard to tell because I’d built him up in my mind to be the great love of my life. After Steve, I didn’t really trust my judgment anymore.
“I can get you more. Blaze will be happy you want more.”
“No. I think I’m good.” I smiled at him. “Thank you, Cyrus. For everything. I’m sorry I was such a bitch and gave you such a hard time. You kept me safe and got me medical attention. Both today and last night. I want you to know I appreciate all you did for me.”
“You never have to thank me for takin’ care of you, honey. I’ll always take care of you.”
He cleared the dishes while I stood and stretched. Now that I was full, I really wanted that nap. “I’ve decided the night life isn’t for me.” I grinned when he gave me a skeptical look. “Really! I’m exhausted.”
“Thought you might be. Come on. I’ll lie down with you.”
I stripped down to my underwear and the T-shirt I was wearing and crawled under the covers. It was only one in the afternoon, but I knew there was no way I could stay awake much longer.
Cyrus lay down beside me and pulled me into his arms. I laid my head on his chest and breathed him in. He was everything I’d ever wanted. Not only was he strong and handsome, but he was caring and protective as hell. I could see myself falling head over heels in love with him. It really wouldn’t take much considering how much I’d fantasized about him.
“Cyrus?” I was so sleepy, my words were slurred, but I needed to get this out before I passed out.
“Yeah, baby.”
“Please don’t break my heart.”