Page 14 of Cuddly Demon
"The craziest thing happened to me last week."
I settle into the seat across from Becca, taking a moment to drink in my surroundings here in the campus library. The air is rich with the aroma of crisp pages and freshly brewed coffee, which drifts through the space, invigorating and energizing me.
The library is buzzing with activity—the sound of rustling paper, soft chatter, and the occasional giggle fills the air. Students lost in thought are huddled over textbooks and laptops, with pale yellow lamps casting an ambient light on their tasks as they squint and wreck their eyesight.
Around the room, there are cozy nooks and crannies, adorned with plush, bright cushions and inviting armchairs. Sunlight pours in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a vibrant glow over everything.
The walls showcase colorful posters advertising upcoming campus events, adding a lively touch to the space. Large classical sculptures can be seen scattered throughout the library, which is supposed to make us interested in learning, I assume.
I'm not here to study today.
Onyx is taking a nap and I need this time to chat to my bestie.
Becca waggles her eyebrows. "Do tell."
I gnaw my cheek, unsure if I want to spill the beans. It's possible Becca will think I'm crazy or at the very least, having a mental breakdown. That's something that afflicts quite a few kids here, and though I've escaped the clutches of poor mental health so far, I'm not immune.
"I summoned a demon."
Becca stares at me incredulously. "Did not."
"Did too."
"That's impossible. Demons aren't real."
I lean forward, my eyes widening as I spill the tea. How I stumbled upon the viral TikTok video, how I performed the ritual, and how Onyx appeared before me in my time of need.
Becca listens intently, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Are you sure you're not just hallucinating or dreaming?"
"I'm positive Onyx is real. He's been staying with me in my dorm."
Becca howls with laughter. "You really stepped in it this time."
I glare at her. "Not funny."
"How are you going to get rid of him?"
Get rid of him?
"You don't understand." I crack my neck. "I like Onyx. I want to keep him."
Becca shakes her head, still looking skeptical. "I don't know, dude. This sounds dangerous. What if he's evil? What if he hurts you?"
I hold up a hand, cutting her off. "He's not evil. He's actually quite sweet and kind. He helps me with my homework and we talk about all sorts of things. He accompanied me to the diner last week and he even helped someone in need. He's not here to hurt me."
Becca taps her pen on her laptop keyboard. She listens intently, her expression shifting from disbelief to concern to awe.
"That's insane," she says when I finish. "But... also kind of amazing?"
"I know, right?" I feel a little bit proud of myself. "He's helped me so much already. And he's not like the demons in movies or books. He's... different."
"Okay, but is it safe?" Becca frowns, tapping her fingers on the table. "I mean, what if something goes wrong?"
"Nothing will go wrong," I say, though a small voice in the back of my head whispers doubts. "Onyx has been nothing but kind to me. And he's helped me more than any therapist ever could."
A small weight presses down on me. I don't open up about my feelings regarding my family's pressures much, but I've confided in Becca a few times.
She knows how vicious they were about me becoming a lawyer. It's all they talked about when I was in high school, and they really wanted me to become a junior associate at their firm.