Page 56 of Cuddly Demon
It's wonderful how much Saint has grown over the past few months we've been together. It's obvious that he's turning into a stronger, more open-minded person day by day.
"We can't go right now." I check my watch.
"Why not?"
"Hell runs on a different time zone. The gates don't open until Monday."
"You've got to be fucking kidding."
"I'm afraid not," I say with a laugh.
Saint groans in frustration. "That feels like a week away."
"It's okay," I say, rubbing his back. "We can use this time to plan our trip. We can research all the activities we can do in Hell and pick out our favorite ones. It'll be a great way to get ready and excited for our journey."
Saint's eyes light up with excitement. "I'm already looking forward to it."
I take Saint back to our apartment. I prepare us spicy ginger tea as I draw a map of Hell from memory.
"This atrium is where the souls enter," I explain, pointing to an area in the center of the map. "Then, they can choose which part of Hell they want to explore first. There are different realms to suit different interests, whether that's art, music, or wickedness."
Saint looks closely, taking in all the details. "It looks so cool."
I point to a large room. "And this path leads to the pleasure district."
Saint waggles his eyebrows. "Ooh la la."
I growl as I palm his thigh. "Don't get any funny ideas. You're not to enter the pleasure district without me."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Saint bats his eyelashes.
I tell Saint about the different realms, and he marvels at the wonders that each one holds. We laugh and joke, and I teach Saint how to stay safe in the demon realm.
Saint sits on my lap. "I wonder what our wedding will be like."
My heart races in my chest. "Did you... say wedding?"
"Yes, I did. I've decided that I want to marry you. Sooner rather than later, preferably."
Any lingering tension in my skull vanishes. "I'd love to marry you. We can make it as wild as you want it to be. And I'll make it fun for your parents and older brother too. It'd be a shame if they didn't attend the wedding."
Saint grins, his cheeks flushing. "It's going to be epic, I can tell."
I lean in and kiss him passionately, and he melts against me. We make love right there on the desk, our bodies on top of the map of Hell.
As I enter Saint's tight body, I can feel the connection we have growing stronger. I pour my love and devotion into him, and he returns it tenfold.
We move together, merging our souls and uniting in a way that I never thought possible.
Saint screams as he comes, his dick spurting out shots of hot white cum.
"Oh, Onyx," he wails, his eyes rolling back. "Yeah, like that. Right in my hole."
With a growl, I rip my dick out of his ass and explode on his face. Shots of hot cum cover his cheeks and chin, and he moans in pleasure.
A new world is opening up for us. One I've never explored with a human before, but which I'm so glad to.
Saint and I lay there in each other's embrace, our hearts beating in time. The thought of our future adventures fills me with excitement, and I know that, together, we can make it happen.