Page 46 of House of Deceit
My chest warms like I gulped down the entire cup of scalding liquid.
“Thank you,” I say, suddenly shy.
“You’re welcome.”
Unsure what to do, I hand him back the cup and move to sit in my chair. He sits in his, resting his ankle on his knee like always.
“Proud of me?” I ask, needing to know he thinks I did a good job.
The heart-stopping smile appears once more, this time a dimple catching my attention.
“More than you could imagine,” he says.
“You should come with me when I see the room for the first time. You’re my wrangler. This is your win, too!” I shouldn’t have said it, but my mouth ran away with me. Ever since he offered me a sip of coffee if I won, it felt like things had changed. Like maybe we were becoming friends and I can’t help but wanting to keep that feeling.
“I can’t, I’m sorry. We’re not allowed into the mansion except when told by our higher ups. I could get fired.”
My shoulders slump with disappointment. “That’s right. I forgot. Sorry I asked.”
“I’ll make sure to watch you on the live feed when you go in for the first time. How about that? You can talk to me like I’m in the room,” he says, his voice soft. A good wrangler taking care of his contestant.
“That’d be great,” I say but my voice lacks enthusiasm.
“Are you ready to get started?”
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, holding it in. Pushing down the sadness because there can’t be a single normal moment in this house, I let my mansion persona come to the surface. When I open my eyes, I’m ready.
“Charlie, how does it feel to win the elimination challenge and immunity going into week four?”
“It feels euphoric. The weight that has lifted knowing I’ll be here for at least two more weeks is so freeing. These people are starting to become my family. It’s so funny because, when I watched House of Deceit at home, I always thought how silly it was when everyone talked about becoming family with strangers. But you do. You spend every moment with them. The bonding process is different. No one else will ever understand your experience with your fellow housemates. Knowing I get to spend more time with them is fantastic.” I lock eyes with Alec, hoping he can read between my words. With every day that passes, I’m desperate to make sure he knows where I stand. That I want to spend more time with him.
He shifts in his seat, clearing his throat. I think I see pink rising in his cheeks but brush it off as the glow from the red light of the camera next to him.
“And let’s not forget to mention I am allowed to eat seasoned food again!” I continue. “That’s been the hardest part this week. You don’t realize how, stripped of any form of entertainment, food becomes your entertainment. On days where there’s no competitions or game nights or whatever, who cares if you spend three hours cooking? There’s nothing else requiring your time. It’s really been enlightening. But that might just be the hunger talking.”
We laugh and talk until Alec finally determines he has the footage he needs for this.
“You get one question.”
“Question about what?” I ask.
“About me. I’ll answer anything you ask. Consider it an additional reward.”
Part of my requirements to stay my wrangler was I wanted to get to know Alec as a person. He’s done better about opening up, yet I can tell he still holds himself back. Keeps the professional distance.
A part of me wants to ask something frivolous and fun but I want to know every fiber of this man. A serious question then.
“Who’s your favorite person?”
His gray eyes stare at me for a moment and then he takes a deep breath.
“Lorelei, my sister. She is my everything.” I’m worried that’s all he’s going to give me and then he continues.
“Our mother died when I was seventeen. While I am the older brother and should have been taking care of Lore, she took it on herself to raise me. Even before that we were really close. I went to every one of her soccer games and dance recitals. She came to every one of my best friend’s football games with me.
“We went to the same college and shared an apartment together. I would die for her without a moment’s hesitation or regret. She’s incredibly caring. She’s engaged to that same best friend, Tank, now. He proposed last week.”
He takes a beat, his fingers messing with the hem of his pant leg, while I digest everything he told me. As I open my mouth to respond, or maybe thank him for telling me, he keeps going, surprising me.