Page 62 of House of Deceit
Taking a chance, I pull on his arm until he uncrosses them, aware we are in a room full of people.
“It felt good, but it was just a kiss.”
His fingers touch my hand for a fraction of a second before he tucks his hands into his pants.
“Good.” His gray eyes search mine and the desire to stroke his cheek is almost overwhelming, the crowd and cameras keeping me in line. “We are out here because the show runners sent us in to make sure everyone is okay. Normally, this only happens if someone quits the game early, but with the large amount of people on the chopping block, they thought it would be good to send us in.”
I smile at him. “But I won,” I say.
When he smiles, the room and everyone in it falls away.
“I didn’t have a doubt. They are going to pick the person you talk to based on the list of important people you provided us in your application. Since I’m head wrangler, I might have some sway.”
“If there’s any way, I need to talk to Courtney. Please. I need my best friend.” I don’t want to seem desperate, but I’m willing to beg if I have to. Not being able to talk to the one person in the world who knows me the best has worn on me every day.
“I’ll do my best. Also, watch out for Cain,” he whispers so quietly I can barely hear him. “I don’t like the way he was looking at you when you and Parker won.”
“He has a weird obsession with you and the show. He’s convinced the reason you’re not his wrangler is because of me. I’m pretty much avoiding him, but I’ll keep a better eye out,” I say.
“If you weren’t in the pile, I still wouldn’t have picked him,” he tells me.
“I wish someone would tell him that!” I say, annoyed, making Alec laugh as warmth spreads through me.
The house is quiet. Molly’s gentle snores echo around our room. I’ve long since gotten used to the sounds of other people in the mansion. The first week here left me exhausted. Sounds of people sleeping and moving about compounded with the knowledge we were being watched kept my mind racing into the wee hours of the night. Even as a deep sleeper, it has been hard. But I don’t have that issue any longer.
I toss and turn, thinking about Alec’s small touches today. Six weeks without an orgasm has made the simplest of contact drive me wild. Between kissing Parker today and Alec’s obvious jealousy, I’m already a few touches away from completion. I flip on my back and rub my legs together.
Arousal heats my skin and I can feel my wetness gathering between my thighs. I look at my roommates, passed out. But I’m worried they’ll hear me. I get up from my bed and tiptoe out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me. On the same silent feet I would use to sneak an extra piece of pie after my parents went to bed, I make my way to my favorite daybed outside.
The desire to touch myself is so strong. At home, I have a vibrator I would turn on quickly and bring myself to climax. But I didn’t bring old faithful with me. I never imagined I would be able to do that with other people and cameras in the room. But in this moment, it doesn’t seem to matter.
At the thought of cameras, an image of Alec invades my mind and the numerous times he has told me he watches everything I do. That I’m his so long as I am in this mansion. And if I’m his, I know he won’t air this. It’ll just be ours.
My control snaps.
Lying against the pillows, I rip open the snaps on my golden pajamas. I’m breathing heavy and the wind is cool against my overheated skin, my tits bared to the night sky. Sliding my hand between my legs, I’m glad for my lack of panties. I think about the cameras that can probably see me right now and pray Alec is watching the live feed.
I slide my fingers through my wetness before moving to my clit. I’m so revved up, the simple touch sends a jolt through me and I moan. I sink my fingers deep inside and curve them, hitting the spot I need immediately. I can feel Alec’s eyes on me as I finger myself, my breasts heaving with my breath. With each thrust, the sounds of my dripping pussy echo in the air.
I move faster, aware anyone could come out here, but it doesn’t stop me. I’m too close.
Moaning, I twist my tight nipple to the point of pain.
I think about his hands on me while his mouth devours me. I pause a moment, trying to delay the delicious feeling. The cool air tightens my nipples painfully. In my mind, Alec’s gray eyes devour me as I continue to work myself until he’s so turned on, he takes out his big, thick cock.
He strokes himself as my orgasm builds until I fall over the edge with the thought of Alec jerking himself ruthlessly at the same time.
I’m panting as I pull my fingers out of my pussy. That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. I pray no other wranglers were watching the feed as I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I stop dead in my tracks. Parker steps in from the shadows and stalks over to me.
His movements are cat like, smooth, but he can’t hide his throbbing cock in those sinful sweatpants. As he reaches me, he tosses me a damp washcloth before turning his back and giving me privacy.
With practiced efficiency, I clean myself up before buttoning myself back into my pajamas.
“You can turn around now,” I say. “What are you doing out here?”
“I couldn’t sleep and I was coming out here to look at the stars. You seemed to really be enjoying yourself and honestly, it was really hot so I didn’t want to interrupt. Sorry, for watching.”
He sits down on the bed next to me, making sure to give me space.