Page 87 of House of Deceit
He talks to me like he’s talking to a spooked animal, while stroking my hair.
“I trust you,” I say, realizing I do.
Even outside of the mansion, I know if he promised he took care of something, it would be taken care of.
“Tell me a story while I try to calm down?”
“Lore and Tank had a bet on when we would kiss,” he tells me, shocking me again.
“Why would they bet on that?”
He sighs heavily before sitting down on the ground. I smile at his relaxed posture, something I never thought would happen with the man I first met who had a stick wedged so far up his ass he could have coughed out splinters.
“Apparently, my sister saw you on the first episode and had no faith in my professionalism.”
The disdain in his voice makes me laugh.
“You weren’t exactly being professional when you licked my pussy, were you?” I ask him, heating. Suddenly I want nothing more than to have this man between my thighs again.
I drop out of my chair and crawl to him. His eyes darken as he watches my hips sway as I make my way to him. He licks his bottom lip, cocking his head slightly to the side and I feel myself melt.
I sit back on my heels as I reach him, my hands traveling up his thighs slowly as I straddle his lap. His hard length presses into me as I rub on him.
“Are you feeling very professional right now?”
“Not even a little,” he says, pulling my face down to his, giving me a searing kiss.
“Keith, I’m sorry, but this will be the end of your stay in the House of Deceit,” Jacob Jacobson says. My stomach falls at losing Keith, but when I look at Parker, all I feel is happiness I have at least another week with him. We all stand and say our goodbyes.
My eyes tear up as I hug him. “You kick all their asses, Red. You better win this thing, for me,” he whispers in my ear. I nod and step back. We shared numbers earlier and when I’m on the outside of this house, I’ll call him. We have a date with his whole family and some of his favorite movies to share. The door shuts behind him and I turn back into the house.
The beads of my borrowed black dress clink together as I make my way through the remaining people. My stomach somersaults at how close I was to losing Parker. We make eye contact over everyone’s heads. I indicate I’m going to the dressing room and turn before I see if he acknowledges me.
Keith’s wardrobe stands empty. After Sharon’s tear-filled packing when she was eliminated in week one, the two contestants on the chopping block have packed before the live show. I go to my wardrobe and put a pair of soft sleep shorts on before unzipping the dress. I pull on a zip-up hoodie Alec had gotten for me last week after I wished I had something light to throw on in the evenings as Cain walks in.
I try to ignore the asshole, but my nerves light up every time I’m in a room alone with him. I toss Rebel’s dress in her wardrobe, having borrowed it when I suddenly hated every dress I brought with me, noting to apologize for the way I returned it.
“Sounded like you had an interesting night the other night,” Cain comments, stopping me.
“What are you talking about?” I ask, trying not to show any emotion.
He moves to block my exit, causing the hair on my arms to rise and my pulse pick up.
“Someone is quite the little whore, isn’t she? Fucking her wrangler.” The derogatory term makes me bristle.
“Fuck you,” I try to shove around him.
“You think just because no one came into the room no one heard? You were moaning like a bitch in heat. I'm surprised you didn't wake the entire house begging him not to stop. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You must not care about his job. All you care about is having everyone panting for a piece of that ass like that’ll keep you in this house. How will Parker feel about this?”
His lack of participation in group activities will be his downfall, if he really believes Parker and I are together. He moves toward me and suddenly I’m on alert. I pray the cameras are being monitored or if I’m delayed enough, Parker will come to find me.
“Don't you fucking touch me,” I warn.
“Or what?”
“There are hundreds of cameras around here. Someone will see it and come.” I send up prayers that I’m correct.
“Those cameras didn't stop you, did they?”