Page 18 of Love You Never
“How’d dinner go?” Wolf asks.
“It was fine.”
I don’t miss the smirks they shoot at each other. Normally, their sly glances don’t bug me. For some reason, they do tonight.
“What’s the issue? I said it was fine.” Even as the words fly out of my mouth, I know I’m being churlish. That’s the precise moment I realize that I’ve made a tactical error. I should have played it off the way I always do. They’ll home in on my irritation like flies on a steaming pile of shit.
Wolf drags a hand through his short strands. It’s barely an inch thick. “I don’t know, man. Why don’t you tell us what crawled up your ass and died.”
“I think we all know what crawled up there,” Madden snickers like the jerk he is. “Her name just so happens to be Carina.”
“Actually,” Wolf says easily, like I’m not sitting in front of him, listening to every word that comes out of his piehole, “I think his disposition would improve dramatically if that were the case.”
My mouth falls open as Wolf’s comment sinks in before I quickly snap it shut again. “What the fuck are you two yapping about?”
Madden arches a brow and shakes his head like I’m the one who’s slow on the uptake. “Seriously, dude? You two have been dancing around each other since I met you freshman year.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” he fires back.
I cross my arms against my chest and glare, willing him to steer this convo in a different direction. These two are the last people on the face of the earth I want to discuss Carina with.
“Nope, don’t think I did.”
Madden rolls his eyes. “It’s so obvious that you’ve got the hots for her. How about you do us all a favor and finally nut up.”
I snort. “You’re one to talk. When was the last time you were even with a chick, huh?” Every drop of humor drains from Madden’s expression. “Like we don’t all know what you’re doing holed up in the bathroom?”
My roommate gives me the finger.
Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, now is it, motherfucker?
“Maybe you should find an actual girl instead of working your hand over so much,” I continue, unable to stop myself.
The edges of Madden’s lips sink. “There’s no need to be a prick just because you’ve got a hard-on for Carina.”
I drag a hand over my face.
He’s right.
I’m being an asshole and she’s the root cause of it.
Or, more accurately, my feelings for her are.
“Sorry.” I allow my head to fall back until it can rest on the cushion as I stare sightlessly up at the ceiling. “That girl drives me batshit crazy,” I mutter, forcing myself to say the words out loud.
From the corner of my eye, I watch as a slow grin spreads across Wolf’s face. “Now we’re finally getting somewhere.”
“No, we’re not.” My father’s comments from earlier ring hollowly throughout my head. “I’m wound tight and just need to get laid.”
“Yeah, by your stepsister.”
“She’s not my stepsister,” I grumble. “We’re not even related.”
Not really.
“Even better,” Madden says with a smirk, my shitty behavior from minutes ago already forgotten. That’s the great thing about him. He’s never been one to hold a grudge.